Locksmith to cut "sidewinder" key

Anyone have a good locksmith recommendation? I ordered a new fob/key set for the GTO online since the dealership wants about $300 for the combination key/fob/cutting. I can program it myself but need it cut. What I’ve been told is any locksmith who can cut sidewinder keys can do it. I do have the keycodes that came on the security card that came with the car as well as a working key.

For reference, this is a sidewinder key:

Ugh…one thing I don’t miss is the GTO mondo-key. I actually got a blister on my leg on the side i always carry my keys in from it.

If it turns out to be more difficult I know the guy before me had a spare made from someone on LS1GTO cheap by mailing out the blank and the card, sounds like that shouldnt be necessary though


So after dragging my feet on this because finding a locksmith to cut the key was a PITA I managed to lock myself out of the car while washing it Sunday. Yay for free lockout service from Geico roadside assistance but this motivated me to find someone to cut the spare.

Suburban Lock and Key. “We cut sidewinder keys, but we only cut our blanks”. Me, “fine, do you have my blank”. Them, “Nope, and we can’t get it”.
Lockman locks (friend’s stepdad owns it). Nope, don’t have the machine for that one but recommended Cataract Safe and Lock.

So I have an appointment at noon tomorrow. Guess it takes them a little while to set up the machine so I couldn’t just stop by.

Surburban wouldnt cut your blank? WTF. They Couldnt take the few mins and few bucks to cut yours? They have always been assholes like that

what will the dealer charge to just cut your key? i had honda cut some keys for me for about $5 each… and yes i don’t have the normal keys either.

The dealer originally told me almost $300 because they wanted me to buy the blank and fob from them and have them cut it and program it.

Took the guys at Cataract Safe and Lock about 25 minutes to set it all up and cut it. Charged me $30 and verified it worked on the car. Even put some lock lube in my door lock since I never use it and it was sticking when he went to test the key.

:tup: to them.

When I got home that night I programmed the new fob to the car using the GM routine. You put the key in and turn it to on, wait 10 minutes and the horn chirps once. Turn it off then back to on, wait 10 more minutes. Horn chirps twice, turn key off then on again, wait another 10 minutes. Horn chirps 3 times, turn the key to off then start the car. 30 minute process that I spent the majority of chilling on my couch playing iphone games. After the horn chirps you have 5 minutes to cycle the key so it’s not like you have to be sitting in the car just waiting for it.