kid crying over car getting towed

Who the hell is the other fat ass? His “papa bear?”

ah, classic.
classic fatty american whineyass little weiner boy losing his mustang.

I werk at the chyropraktic offiss!! rly!!

I wonder if he collates!

Hahaha! What a lying sack of shit. :smiley:

Funny, but seems a little odd. Why would the tow truck operator being carrying a camera with him? And why would the kid not say anything about that fact?

He’s a fucking tow truck driver…as if he needs a reason…if he worked at McDonald’s he’d surely be assistant manager.

well i have heard insaine reasons for repo men when i worked @ adesa. ppl tried attacking him all of the time,pulled guns/knifes, let out dogs on him. And the man has to defend him self so hee needs prof so the guy does not press charges on him or so he case can hold up in court.


Jesus tapdancing christ! I didn’t even feel like crying when I wrecked my car 2 years ago and it got towed. this fat shit has got to grow some balls.

seriously knock his ass out and :stfu:

LMAO. What a little bitch.


:lol: i would of jumped in the car and gunned it off the tow truck lol but for real that kid needs butch to bitchslap him:lol:

Makes sense, hadn’t thought of it from a repo standpoint.

the tow truck drivers videotape when they tow the cars so they have proof that it was parked illegally etc… Just so you can’t come back and say you were parked somewhere else.

dude should just let that car towed…mg…

haha it was only a $45 fee at first too.

It didn’t look like he had a manhood to begin with…

wait what he get it towed for? illegal parked?

are you sure that was a guy…sounded like a big girl to me :\