Killed: 2008-09 R32

Icy pavement*

center road

LOL. I fail.

Poor bastards will never post here again.

i will correct you, because you are wrong…its a mid 13 sec car…SO HA! not impressive but will still pull buses on your low 15 sec car :wink:

i call bullshit on a mid 13 second car, my stock sti put a hurting a mazdaspeed 6 multiple times

you’re talking VW trash…but last time i saw you… :mamoru:

and i call bullshit on your old car being a stock STI…“oh its just an exhaust” :wink: you know your car wasnt stock…and i have the time slips to prove its a mid 13 sec car and when i ran it at the track it was a full turbo back exhaust with a CAI, so it wasnt stock…dont hate, participate! :grouphug:

I hate these threads.

I think the kill stories threads should all be removed entirely.

But leave Fuzzy’s threads - they are pure gold.

Any more intense VW adventures???

coming next week, 30-70 roll on the 219 (don’t really want to break the speed limit)

70?! But that means they’d have to shift out of 2nd!

xxx would be better, between xxx and xxx. just stop lined up with a billboard and finish at a billboard, 2 lanes, and a very very long straight! but maybe only 40-65, dont wanna speed! or slow down and possibly cause a crash

thank you for changing my post. figured id change it back

Probably on the R32 - is the GTI 6 speed? If so, back to 20-60 it is!



Lower speed = lower risk. Good for him for not doing something he was uncomfortable with. That’s how mustangs get cut in half. :eyebrow:

about time someone was reasonable^^

just had to post something in here, sorry for being late to the party.
