Killed: 2008-09 R32


Street names are a big no-no

Some people need to have a family member or good friend die to understand. Everyone thinks “Im too good, it won’t happen to me”.
I’m betting the Mustang driver thought that just before he died.

yep sorry

it’s all good :slight_smile:

Yep, a friend swiped my car, swerved to compensate, skidded into the cement divider on the 33, then skidded across three lanes to hit the opposing concrete wall headfirst. We weren’t even speeding. She SOMEHOW lived without any major injuries ( besides our friendship )…

After that, street racing for me became a :nono:


they shouldnt even have posted this in the first place??? who races to 60???

oh vduhbs doo:gay3:

I raced my buddy the other day, 20-30, on our road bikes.

no one is stopping you from racing to 1XX and wrapping your car around a tree, concrete divider or injuring someone else…if you are comfortable with that then be my guest! I am not comfortable speeding around especially on public roads

Give up already, racing is racing, no matter if it’s to 60mph (fag) or 120mph… or 160.

It’s like saying “Hey, I wasn’t the one raping your daughter, I just had the video camera.” Just because you didn’t go all the way doesnt mean what you did was safe :spank:

:picard: haha people are making fun of this go for only racing to 60 and not 100+

But then ripping him apart for racing

did you put in the new stage 2 rotor yet, I hear that gets like an additional 40 hp to the wheels!


some people dont have anything better to do :lolno:

If it’s who I’m thinking of, she’s a fucking moron. I wouldn’t get within 2 miles of her in a car if I knew she was going to be “street racing”.

It is. The bitch hit so many UBRF / NYS member’s cars ( desmond ) it’s retarded. There was another car there, no one was street racing, she just fell behind and thought she needed to catch up… lost control, hit my car, etc.

At auto-x that coming sunday she told people I hit her, even though the damage on the cars, the witnesses to the accident and >I< told otherwise :lol:

holy shit!
FS: 2002 VW Golf TDi
I feel like like a tool driving one of these fucking cars.

Post script:
I really do hate my vw, but the 50+ mpg I cannot complain about. But seriously, most of the vw scence really blows. I hate when other vw drivers wave at me. Fucking ghey. Wow! Congrats, you bought a pos made in Mexico, and after a year your dashboard looks like a fucking Christmas tree with all the stupid lights indicating shit wrong with your pile. Lameass doucebags.

what just happened here

sounds like ^^ has a complex