Kitchen cabinets?

Haha I am pretty handy and I’m not retarded (arguable) so I could check out Mr. Seconds. Where’s that at? Is that that place in West Seneca on Center?

theres one there and one on Walden near Flea Market

There is also one on Military in Kenmore.
They said they special order cabinets too. So if it’s damaged, you can get a replacement. The ones on hand that may be damaged are probably discounted pretty good though.

Kraftmaid Outlet cabinets installed. I’ve actually got the countertops on and we laid the tile floor today, I’m just to tired to post those pics yet.

Ginger glaze Cherry Cabinets. Beautiful quality just kind if a pain in the ass to get what you need. All said and done it required a total of 3 trips and $3k for the 18 total cabinets. Still a great deal considering they run almost $8K retail.

Looks good and completely worth it.

I got to get some updated pics of my finished kitchen now :slight_smile:

I got our cabinets at Lowes and also ordered the countertop through there. I later found out the company they go through is Solid Surfaces.

So skip the middle man and get a quote from Solid Surfaces out of Rochester. They were at my house 3 times. Their crew were some of the most professional contractors I have ever met and they did an AWESOME job on my countertop.

Jagermeister wow those look hot.

I think me and the wife (to be) are going to be taking a trip up to get ours that is such a great value and even if you have to do some repairs it is still a good option. Can add some good value and help on ROI. Even if it takes a few trips the one problem is finding a friend to let me borrow a truck since renting would get costly I think if you had to make multiple trips although still maybe worth it.

Camaroman… Quartz? eh I have heard bad things about that stuff in that it is porous and unsanitary. Granite ftw and as long as you reseal it shouldn’t discolor.

has anybody looked into ?

Jagermeister - nice dude; I’m going to definitely need to get some more info from you on this whole deal; that’s amazing. Hell, I’ll take the trip down there with a U-haul/Penske and just grab everything in one shot.

+1 I would like to know if anyone has also what kind of prices they have

I think we mentioned it in my kitchen redo thread. Almost like a cult you have to buy into and spend a lot of $ to save money.

As for the quartz vs granite. Quartz does cost more money, but is very resistant to discoloration, is not porous, and how can it not be sanitary? Cleans up like a dream.

In fact, follow the link here:

Quartz Surfaces (Engineered Stone)

Engineered Stone is a non-porous material, made from a mixture of 93% quartz and 7% resin binders and pigments. It has the strength of granite, but is more flexible - making it somewhat easier to handle.

Needs no sealing

Mold & Mildew Resistant
Extremely hygienic, making it a food-safe choice.

Uniform Appearance
It has the general appearance of natural stone, but with a consistent pattern and color. (The final product should be very close to what you see in the showroom.)

Seams are Visible
As is the case with natural stone, seams are visible - although the darker colors tend to minimize the seam.

Durable but not Indestructible
It is resistant to stains caused by wine, fruit juices, liquid food coloring, tea, nail polish and remover, and felt-tip markers.

It can be damaged by high heat and prolonged exposure to heat. As with any other stone or surface material, strong chemicals and solvents such as Drano®, Liquid Plummer®, oven cleaners and floor strippers will damage the surface.

Continuous long-term exposure to direct sunlight (UV rays) may result in slight discoloration of Quartz Stone countertops. Most indoor applications will not apply.

Must be Professionally Installed
Much heavier than granite

Brand Names:
Caesarstone, Zodiac, Silestone, Technistone, Legacy, Cambria

Cost: Expensive
$50 - $90 per square foot installed
(custom edges, drainboards, backsplashes not included)

And below that, there is a comparison chart. Chart shows that it is better than granite and solid surface. Of course you pay a premium for it.

I just remodeled my kitchen. We were orinnally going to repaint my old cabinets, but decided to look for new ones. We stated at Home Depot, and ended up at Grossmans Bargain outlet. $1700 later and all new cabinets, and NO pressboard and solid OAK doors.

I reccomend looking here if you are on a tight budget, but still want something decent.

Here is a before and after shot of my kitchen. I have not finished the Floors trim and new lights… but i think that you get the idea. The only catch is that they have to be assembled, not that it is hard in the least. We also got our counters there. WE bought 2 10’ sections there for a total of $120, and when we got them home we noticed a Home Depot sticker on them, and they were marked $119 per!


Boxs of cabinets

The whole room was GUTTED and rewired and insulated. Phew dirty, messy work, but SO glad that i did it.


The kitchen and the bathroom is where money will be lost or gained when selling a house. It’s worth it to go the extra distance.

It’s also the 2 most costly rooms to do.

Thanks guys. Lots of good ideas in here. Haha and the before/after pics make me want to take a sledge to my cabinets tonight!

You probably won’t be able to do it in one shot, you will have to go down there a few time, oh and bring like 4 people with you for the lottery. I know what Jagermeister did and its kind of a PITA but worth it.

Yea, I’m doing a bathroom in my house this summer; the kitchen is a year or so off. So I’m going to go check it out for Bathroom cabinets/etc and at least check the place out to start.

I read a bunch of other stuff and they all basically said it’ll take multiple trips; but OH isn’t that bad of a drive anyways; especially for that much savings.

No don’t use a Sledge hammer, not the right tool, you need a garden maul!:lol:

I might do my bathroom this summer also. It is just SO bad :barf:

Good luck.

p.s. and old cabinets are GREAT for the garage! So don’t bust them up.

I think the fact that it took Jaeger 3 trips has to do with the fact that he was really particular about exactly what he wanted, there was no “this will be good enough” there.

Hey mike, got any before, during, and after of the Bathroom?


Psh. A sledge is always the right tool. Sometimes you just do the wrong job.

Ehh, I believe AWDrifter knows abit about them.

IIRC You have to be spending in volume for it to be worth while, but again - he is building a house.


I just did a complete tear-out of the kitchen in my rental unit. I went to HD and had them make up a new design using the pre-assembled in-stock cabinets. IT came to about $1500 to do a 11x12 Kitchen.

