Kitchen cabinets?

Yeah, I joined directbuy but I am not sure what buydirect is.
If he is talking aboot the samething then it is a good deal for big projects.
We didn’t buy a lot of our “big dollar” items through them because we joined late in the project but we still saved a lot of money.
The cabinets are supposed to be REALLY good deals but I can’t say I actully saved on cabinets because we bought from Candlelight instead.
The membership is expensive up front but then it is like $180 per year after that.
They sell all kinds of stuff not just “building” stuff.
The time to join is when you have a big project, that offsets the upfront cost, then you can buy all sorts of other stuff for the next 50 years saving $$$$.



Jeller, Xander (with blue boxers and black trim Lol.), and I putting up the board:

Doherty putting in the tile:


Fuckin A that’s gorgeous. That’s it. Screw valentines day. I’m remodeling tonight!

bah, thats not worth it. theres not even a counter top in that kitchen.

X’s plumbers crack is sexy, and dubs are slow.

that is all

Thanks Mr. Daze.


Nice bathroom pics mike, it looks worlds better :tup: Cant wait till the kitchen is done. That will be an amazing before and after.

zerodaze: love the sig pic :tup:


SKUNK wanted me to ask if you still have those knee pads handy… ?

GREAT conversion. Grats on that, would love to see all the before + after pics!

Xander took them home last night when he left with Jeller. Not really sure why though…

Did you get the double sink cabinet in Warren?

Unfortunately, No. When I did the bathroom I did even know about the Kraftmaid outlet. The bathroom vanity is a 60" unit from Home Depot that ran $550. Sucks because a virtually identical unit at the KM outlet that would be better quality runs about $200. oh well, it looks good anyway.

Bump. I may do the Kraftmaid outlet thing. Seems like a huge PITA but I could save thousands, especially when I need about 20 cabinets including at least one pantry.

I am considering this:

This guy lives 20 minutes from the outlet and has started a business doing the dirty work for you. You tell him what you want. He gets it. You come get them from him. It looks like I’d end up paying him about $500-1000 depending on how much of a pain in the ass it was or wasn’t to get everything.

I just emailed him. I’ll post up the results when I decide what to do. Could be a good option for those of us without the time and/or patience to go to Ohio and deal with that rat race several times.


Paying him a fwe hundred beans will prolly be worth it in the gas savings alone. lol.

Really though, good find. In for reply.

Roughly, every trip there will cost me $130 in gas and $35 in U-Haul trailer rental.

That’s figuring 400 miles round trip and 10mpg in the Xterrra pulling an enclosed Uhaul trailer.

So yeah, 3 trips = $400. So a couple hundred bucks to not have to deal with what sounds like some pretty stressful shenanigans and no risk of coming back empty-handed is kind of a no-brainer. Lowes quoted me $9000 for lesser cabinets. This way will probably cost $3500.

I’ll follow up with whether or not this seems legit and if I do it how things go…

His cabinet prices and notes are all legit.

Looking back at the experience and the three trips it took to make a set I would pay him to shop for you.

You’ll save on gas and not have to drive down on a Friday night at 2am and then waste your Saturday. Not to mention the need for a trailer.

The major downside is you don’t get to see the options available and you will not be able to see the loads of cheap ass trim.

After three trips, I spent $3k on 18 cherry cabinets, and a huge amount of cherry trim. The trim alone has to be worth $500.

Being that we are three hours away, I say pay him.

Sounds like what I was thinking is on the mark. Thanks for the input.

Would you think it worthwhile to make one precursory trip down there, take a peek around, then come back and “shop” via that third party?

If you have the time and don’t care about burning the gas, it’s an interesting experience.

Even if this guy shops for you, you will not get EXACTLY what you want. Not possible. For example, I wanted a 12" deep, 15" wide pantry cabinet and couldn’t find it in the matching wood species and finish. Ended up with upper and lower cabinets in its place.

The other cool thing is the moulings/trim outlet right across the road down there. Very cheap, mostly primed white MDF trim, that is well stocked. If you need crown, base, or casing for a bunch of rooms it’s worth the trip.

i’m so glad my kitchen is freshly remodeled upon purchase… having no kitchen while remodling it would fucking blowwwwwww

I went 7 weeks without a kitchen and it sucked.

It’s functional and 95% done now.