Kitchen cabinets?


Yea, if I was concerned about every sq in being exactly what I envisioned, then I’d be paying through the nose somewhere. :slight_smile:

We have a solid concept of what we want to do, and are generally open about how we fill that out. Of course, we’re not starting until late summer at the earliest.

So we decided that we’re going to do at least one run ourselves. That way we can get the bulk of our cabinets without paying that guy’s commission.

However, he sells a “guide” full of tips and tricks, a layout of the place so you can run straight to the cabinets you want and call dibs on them, local truck rental places, etc etc etc. It’s $12.99 on ebay. I bought it today. It’s a pdf file he emailed to me, so if anyone wants a copy send me a PM and if I’m in a good mood I’ll share. (Bribe me with promises of beer.)

Good luck with the truck rental places. I had a list of four before I went down and not one of them had a truck available.

Shoot me a PM before you go and I can give you some details and best practices that may not be in his guide.

Any updated pics??

Im doing my dads kitchen and my frigging attic at the same time. I bought the same cabinets from mr. seconds for the kitchen. Im about 90% done, here are a few pics.

Ah. I’m looking to rent a uhaul trailer to bring everything back. Maybe I’d be better off picking it up here.

Thanks. It might not be for a month or two but I’ll be in touch before I go. :tup:

in for PMs from Fry & Jager.



Here you go.


95% DONE. Needs a Backsplash. The missing mantle head on one of the windows is now done.

Dayum. :jawdrop:

Jaeger is the house DIY king at this point. LOL


wow. tee fucking up.

what kind of counter top is that?

Formica Laminate. Custom built by Doc20th from the boards. He seriously knows his shit.

I priced out granite and quartz and it was over $3500 given that I have 53sqft. of countertop and bar top. This laminate was a fraction of that with Doc’s help.

It’s a little ranch in Cheektowaga that I will be in for maybe 5 years at most so I need to look at diminishing returns at this point.

How much for the knife set, isn’t it for sale? [/shamelessplug]


Hey, I want to get in on that challenge :slight_smile:
In 7 years, there is nothing original to what the previous owner had in it.
The only thing I paid someone to do is the siding and install the countertop.

Looks nice Jaeger…

Yes, sir. $40.

Bring it, Joe! :smiley:

There is NOTHING inside my house(excluding the basement) that is the same. New windows, Base, Crown, Casing, doors, paint, electrical, plumbing in every room. About 95% of the work was done by me, Xander, Jeller, Doc, and a couple others. All in 8 months.

Next up is roof, siding, landscaping, fence, and a new wood awning over the front door. Then onto the garage and basement.

Thanks for all the compliments guys. Fry- Sorry for stealing your thread.

Looks fucking great. Actually that is inspirational, Thanks.

No fair, you had multiple friends help you. :slight_smile: Most of my friends know cars, and not houses. So I had to learn. But honestly, it’s fun doing home improvement things.

Whoa. Your kitchen looks more better than your wheels! :stuck_out_tongue:

I re-did my whole kitchen 3 years ago. and priced a few things. but ended up going to a building supply auction and buying two whole kitchens worth of solid oak cabinets. to piece together my kitchen & use the leftovers for bathroom & basment storage.

went to a and paid 2100 for two complete sets with a standup pantry.

but a building supply auction is the way to go. just do your research on what stuff costs. & have a way to transport the stuff. its was all Homedepot/lowes leftover items.

even got the solid surface sinks & a toilet for 1/4 of retail. took a whole day at the auction to get what i could. but was worth it. & it was somewhat local. (lockport).

Or you could go to Direct buy, I see the commercials for that on tv.