knock on cold starts?

Last 2 times i started the elise (after sitting for 2+ days) it would knock pretty badly for about 1 second. Sounds like rod knock. However, it goes away and the car runs fine, sounds fine after about one second… however, it didn’t do this before. the engine is bone stock, but the oil pan is coming off tommorow… Should i pull the rod caps while i am down there?

I think my diesel truck is knocking, it sure does make a lot of fucking noise when I drive it.

run thicker oil

piston slap?

it doesn’t sound like piston slap. I was going to put thicker oil in it after i reinstall the pan… Thoughts on accusump? The car is going down for some parts installs… Should i get it?

would be about 350 all said and done… what do you guys think?..

Could it be the HLAs/Liftes pumping up ?

Edit: or chain tensioner ?

those pumps are allright. I researched em before for some project i had going on

My forged poop knocks for a bit when the motor is still cold. I don’t know anything about your motor - does it have any forged poop in it?

its cuz all the oil drains out of the mains and it takes a second to bring up pressure… just wirr the starter for a second

yup. sounds normal.

GM Piston slap owned you.

Got a good oil filter on her? IIRC a lot of oil filters also double as check valves, preventing oil drainback while sitting.

I’m putting one on my car. It certainly can’t hurt especially considering the way you drive.

this is a new thing though… Im a bit concerned, frankly… esp with 100 more HP than stock… I need to remove the oil pan tommorow to do some other work… is there a way that i can check out the rod clearance with it still in the car? Platigauge? Or is it likely piston slap. This one has done it the last 2 cold starts… What could have changed? Could it be the weather warming up and the oil is thinning and draining?

accusump for life

wow… pretty common… i am getting less concerned…

ummm, yeah