Know anyone that has "changed" dramtically recently? Ranting about bad enrergy etc..

So, I have this nephew…

He’s 19 or 20 now, but as of a few months back he has basically started freaking out about bad energy everywhere.
Not eating meat, does not hang out with friends etc…

He even walks around with rocks in his pockets to help give him good energy.

The story would end there as he may be Schizophrenic or something, but today I heard about another lady with very similar issues.
Started ripping wires out of the walls of her house, made time warner remove all their cables because of the bad energy etc…

Carries rocks in her pockets AND lives a few streets away from my nephew and she was a normal mother of two.

I’m guessing they probably have the same dealer. Just wondering if the 15 or so speeders around here have heard any stories.
Is there bad kool aid in NT ?

I don’t even know where to start here…


Synthetic marijuana? Not a lot to go on but if I was just going to take a guess that’s what I’d go with.

My cousin went through this a about 4 years ago. He was the most normal kid growing up and one day started saying there was bad energy around and that things would kill his mood. Wearing all black like johnny cash and carried a guitar around all over having no idea how to even play it and would lay it in his lap and pluck the strings and laughed. He took his mothers car apart completely for the hell of it and crashed it into a mailbox hoping the airbags would kill him because god wanted that. He wound up in ecmcs psych ward for a few months and went to rehab and is good again. He smoked alot of pot back then and was getting shit that was laced with PCP and god knows what else and went on a serious trip. It was scary shit. If he doesnt snap out of it get him to ecmc soon.

4 years seems like too great a time span to drop a North Tonawanda reference.
INB4 he shows up to the next family function with guitar.

Exactly my thought

Where at in NT?

Are the getting water from Michigan?

Does this fucker have a job? I know plenty of people who act fucked up to let society feel bad for them, so that their lazy ass doesn’t have to do anything.

Send him to a real psych appointment, if nothing comes up as wrong then get him a job.

He used to be a DJ i believe.

Now he has conversations with himself. I’m not sure if he had gone to a psychiatrist.

Is not really my problem, but my engineer thing went off when
An unrelated person head a similar change in behavior.

I will say that these individuals live near the budweys

A 40 year old dude in my family fried his brain on speed and other drugs in the 90’s. Same deal “DJ” in a club.

Now he has knocked up a couple of girls, and has children that his parents need to take care of because he has “social anxiety” and could not work for a bunch of years.

Now they claim he has autism, at the age of 40.

He lived with his parents, until the parents got sick of his shit, and bought him a duplex house. I’m sure that house is being reduced to a pile of rubble as I type this.

The last thing I knew, was he thought it would be cool to get a giant snake in the duplex as a pet, and let his 4 year old daughter play with it.

Its funny because when I was younger I had pretty crippling social anxiety. Like did not want to leave my house anxiety. Guess what, I got a job and health insurance to see a professional to get it taken care of.

I stopped eating meat for 5 years but I did suck a lot of dick.

Meh… Nothing wrong with that.

Either he’s using drugs or it’s brought on by some imbalance. Either way he needs to see a doctor.

yeah honestly, sounds exactly like how my cousin was (mentioned above). He is or has smoked something thats been laced and its offset his brain chemicals. Try and get him evaluated. They often tend to do really rash things in that state.

Sounds like he needs a swift kick in the ass.

Sounds like he is on his way to be giving out ZJs.

Serious note, i hope he gets better.

Laughed even more at this after reading the user name.
Well played.

Except for the not eating meat part, that’s just weird.