kouki police chase then they ram his car

saw this at a next forum


Originally Posted by Nitekids ( from SupraForums )
To make it simple

Ran from Police

Car was much faster then Police car but…

Traffic killed it

Put in Jail for like 6 hours, car impounded and also it was ramed by the cop

30 days in impound, prolly big fat fines too for evading police and wreckless driving

Hmmm maybe I just shoulda pulled over

Once I get it out I need a whole new kit. The only good part on the car is the right sideskirt. I need new front and rear fenders too. (after I pay for impound fee’s storage, lawyer and big fat fines I’m gonna get thrown at)

I’m thinking BN Sport Blister Kit or Vertex Ridge or Bn sport Type IV. Not sure yet tho. I gotta sort out my legal problems and getting my car outta the impound first.


Damn… thats a nice ass car too. He posts on 240sxforums.com all the time.

all the coolest cars get chased by police, i hope i’m next…lol

Everywhere you read about this guy you only hear bad things, he’s an ass and had it coming to him !! if you’re stupid enough to run from the cops you deserve everything coming to you, especially the loss of your license, and car no matter how nice it is.

Its cause of crap like this and assholes like that guy, that the innocent driver gets harassed for just cause he drives a modded car.
what he did definitely was not good for the 240 community

All I read was: I’m a spoiled rich kid, so after I pay the millions of dollars that I owe to my lawyer and the state, I’m gonna throw another million into my car. Hmm… I think I won’t run from cops again, but I’m so spoiled and rich that I just might after all.

He deserves everything and anything coming to him.

i’ve met this guy in Cali and crawled around in his car.

he’s no more spoiled than some people on this site and tons of other people i know.

he does get flack from alot of people but he was cool with me because i was cool with him.

if he were as good a driver as sasha he would’ve got away.

in the end, neat pics, but do i care, heck no.

next thread please.

The difference is Sasha understands what he did was not cool, this guy doesn’t seem to.

Agreed. Theres nothing right about endangering the lives of other people. His “I don’t give a crap attutude” is way out of whack. …what an ass hat!

been there done that, paid the fine… :twisted:

fcked pics though, bet he’s something of a local celeb. on his forum

Oh snap! :shock:

It’s so small…this guy got owned…very very bad move…

ur not cool unless you run from the police.

whats with highly modded black kouki S14s getting chased by the cops haha

:werd: I agree!

the car looks so tiny compared to the cop car and the tow truck…

*edit out hte ranting


i guess i should’nt rant

you don’t know for sure how he feels about hte situation, he may just not care what people on the internet thinks of him at all

hes a good guy and he fucked up, who cares. cops are corrupt anyways running from them isn’t like killing an innocent baby

however its stupid to run in traffic

because then you could kill an innocent baby

thanks for the sweet props on the driving skills

girls like guys with skills

AlphaIntegra/NiteKids was a cool guy, i chatted with him a few times. But he still acted like a jackass.

Running from the cops is a stupid thing to do, odds are you will get caught, and probably injure yourself or someone else in the process.

Nothing cool about that. Any dumbass can go on a high speed chase from the cops. Doesn’t take much skill.

Sasha got away.

Sasha > NiteKids

I still have a licence.

Me > Both of them


sasha has lots of skill…

numchuck skills… bow hunting skills… computerhacking skills.

^you have skills too.

like how to make a thread CRAP


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