my father just came back to visit me… (he lives in dubai) anyways, the 1st thing he said wen he saw my car was… “ohh so u got paul bernardo’s nissan”… lol…
His, if im not mistaken was a gold one right?
the only reason i know is becasue you can google it like crazy
and like 4 years ago someone posted a picture of that dirty custy slut whore bag that should be sentenced to death standing beside it
u should do some research before u make comments like that…she had bettered wifes syndrome. She was beaten constantly by Paul Bernardo. I feel sorry for her and i don’t. But comments like that are just plain rude.
u must not be very smart. Wifes battered syndrome is a psychological disorder. It happens when a man beats them and plays with their minds to make them think he will kill them if they don’t do certain things.
No she does not have the right to kill her sister. There is no proof supporting she ever killed anyone. She did kidnap which makes her an accomplice of the crime that did happen. You have to remember she was psychologically ill, you would look like her too if u had ur mind messed around with.
You are ignorant for your comments and need to learn a few things before posting stuff you don’t know about.