Laptop battery questions

I have a Dell Laptop. I went from getting almost 3 hours on 1 charge to less than an hour. What gives? I was told to let it discharge completely, and I don’t think that improved anything. Is it time for a new battery?

Yes, it’s time for a new battery.

let it discharge(completly) throw it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer fora like 3-4 days, then give it a full charge and see if it helps. (i read this somewhere and will be testing it myself soon) i have an old laptop with a weak battery.

how ofter to you charge/discharge it?

when i searched around a bit before i bought this pc, i found that this battery has a life of only ~300-350 cycles.

if you use it every day that’s not too long by my standards. i use mine plugged in as frequently as possible.

How old is your system? If you have a 3 year warranty on the laptop, the battery will only have a 1 year warranty. Very small fine print.

I have never heard of the freezing of the battery. Interested to see if it helps any.

I ALWAYS use it on AC power. On occasion I will use the battery, and when I do the battery power decreases everytime. I have had this a year now

well at least ur battery works for that lone mine works just long enought for the computer to start up lol.

When your done putting your battery in the freezer, buy a new battery. :slight_smile:


A battery’s maximum potential doesn’t go up when you freeze it.

I didn’t follow that advise, I gonna look into gettin a new one plus an extra one

I have heard from tech ppl… and have found it to have some merit… that it is not always wise to use AC + battery… I did this with a comptuer with a relativly new battery and the bat was dead sooner than when I was draining it and charging it.

:word: if youre gonna leave it on AC power for more than like a couple days take the battery out

right, when i was in high school we went over this in my physics class if you put a battery in the freezer the charge will be lost slower cause the electrons are not moving as fast but performance might go down too. or something along that order it was a while ago

So what happens when you take the battery out of the freezer, and it heats back up in five minutes next to your hot ass video card in your laptop?

Do you use your laptop in the freezer? Because if you don’t those slow moving electrons won’t do you any good.

How much moisture and condensation have you just introduced to the insides of your laptop by putting a battery in fresh out of the freezer? Corrosion anybody?


The last time I tried cryogenic regeneration on a computer part, it was a hard drive - and the damn UPS guy denied stealing it from the snow bank out back!

yea i knwo thats y im saying it wont work

:shrug: meh.

i’ve had mine for over a year and half on the same battery. when it was new it used to last just a bit over 4 hours.

i tested it today; 3hrs 43mins.

i guess i’ll keep doing what i’m doing. :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: so in forum language: AC powa FTW lol j/k

dells older batteries had issues with charging…i wne th thru 2 of them on my old laptop …but yea try not to always use AC power drain the battery a few times
