Laptop battery trouble.. help?

Hey all,

I’ve got a dell lattitude D630, running vista. All the sudden my battery isn’t charging past 45%. It says that it’s charging, that the battery health is normal, but the battery meter has been stuck at 45 for a while now. I’ve tried restarting but it didn’t change anything. Any ideas?

lol @ how you didnt even put the word battery in the search and thats all you got for results…

I filtered the search:

Try re-seating the battery + blow compressed air over the contacts (if you have some)

Oh, it didn’t really say that from what I could immediatly see

I just tried that, but it didn’t work. It says that it’s charging, but it’s not getting any closer to being fully charged. I don’t want to just buy a new battery since I’m not sure whether it’s the problem. (The “battery health” is “normal” as of right now)

Judging by the symptoms the battery is more than likely shot.

hopefully its not your charging system on the motherboard, i’d try a new battery first.