Lasik eye surgery question.


My optometrist had an interesting take on laser eye surgery:

It makes sense for someone like a soldier in combat who’s fucked if they get a contact messed up, but for the rest of us: We’re in the bathroom evey night anyways, so what’s the big chore behind popping them in and out once a day? Who’s to say there won’t be something better in the coming years than removing material that doesn’t grow back? Maybe they’ll come up with some kind of material that they put on your eye and hit with a laser and it becomes permanent. Then if your prescription ever changes, it gets peeled off and redone.

The procedure’s permanent but the results aren’t.

Food for thought.


Its a pain in the ass when you are drunk.I hate them in my eyes.I can feel them there after they have been in there all day.Eventually the costs of contacts and everything that goes with it will pay off