Leaking Brake Line

The full story is below, for those willing to read and understand more of my situation. Ok, quick question. I know that this may seem a bit no0b-ish, but how would you go about replacing a leaking brake line?

The Story

Alright. First of all the car is a 1990 Honda Civic hatchie.
The story is like this, the car was parked on the street. I had to move it onto my driveway. I did so, parked it, and left it there for a few days. I come out one morning, and i decide to move it into my garage, but i had to reverse it because it was parked behind my v-dub. So basically, i had started the car, disengaged the parking brake, then put stepped on the brake peddal to initiate “reverse” ( its an automagic ). Almost instantly, i heard a hissing noise coming from the rear, and i notice that as the sound continued, the peddal began to loosen, and that it had slowly lost more and more pressure as i held my foot there ( for only about a couple seconds.). I began to panic a bit because this was previously suppose to be my daily driver, but i had decided to sell it to regian some cash to put towards the v-dub and yadda yadda. So, i hopped out of the car, and franticly began looking underneath the car, checking the brake lines, and then i saw it. A large puddle of brake fluid around the passenger side rear wheel, aswell as some brake fluid dripping from what i have thought to be the “soft” brake line connecting to the calliper. Im not sure of what to do right now, i dont really have the tools to take this on, but from what i read/researched, all you really need to do is clamp, or find some sort of way to stop fluid from leaking out of the hard line ( not sure ), change the soft line ( new hose and clamps i believe), then bleed/refill the entire system. I have a feeling im wrong though, ive asked numerious people for help, and i dont really now what else to do. Right now, the car has no plates, no insurance, and i really dont want to tow it to the nearest shop ( which is like 5km’s away) to have it serviced, pay labour, and etc, when i could have it done myself with some buds. AND learn something while doing it. Anywho, ALL HELP, and or comments are HEAVILY accepted. I really would like this car sold, and this is what i gotta do first before that happens.

If its coming from the flex line (soft line) then its an easy fix. Take off the wheel that corresponds with the leaking line, undo the line from the caliper, undo the line where it meets the hardline, replace with one you bought ealier from CT, napa etc. fill brake fluid and bleed brakes.

alright, i really appreciate the help. I guess i got it wrong a bit, the bleeder screw controlls the amount of fluid that flows “out” of the system. So basically, i undo both corresponding lines and the bleeder screw on the side without the leak, change the flex line, then i re-fill the resevoir and bleed?

Theres only one line, you have to undo both ends though. Do not touch the side without the leak… or the bleeder screw untill your ready to bleed. Just replace the leaking line and bleed the system.

Alright, I understand completely what you mean now. Thanks again for the advice. I’ll let you know how it goes.

please investigate current lines for heavy rust, and read up on how to bleed brakes properly… will save headaches…

yea. i read up about it. I prob. will need to double check, but from what i can remember, you start from the right rear, left front, right front then right rear? And i may need to change the other lines aswell, seeing as how this problem could happen again.

chances are the bleeder will be seized and you should be able to just bleed that wheel also