leaking fluid what is it?

Last night i was driving around and when i stopped i noticed i was leaking a fluid, it seems to be coming from the front, the fluid is clear doesn’t smell and isn’t greasy, i think i blew my water pump it seems to be directly under the accessory belt i’m just trying to confirm my suspisions before i go buy one

what motor are we talking about here?
clear, non greasy, no smell…do u run a/c lol? coolant has a sweet smell to it, unless your running pure water which wouldnt last long…
how far front are you referring to … maybe a long shot but p/s fluid from the rack , one of the lines… still usually an amber colour it is greasy but doesnt smell

is your temputure going up as you drive?

is your streeting geting alittle harder

well if u blew the water pump and the coolant leaked u would smell it for sure. it would smell sweet

if u were using ac prob frlom that

its condensation from the a/c

Yea I agree, that’s what it sounds like.

ok its KA first off, my power steering is shot has been for a while so thats out, ac i have but its never worked as long as i’ve owned it and it seems to be directly under the serpentine belt and the temp doesn’t seem to rise

whatever it is it pools under neath at an alarming rate

pressure test it ?

pressure test the ?

u can do a pressure test on the rad but if your coolant and your temp arnt riseing (past normal) then its not your water pump

lol this is gettin to be a repititve stab in the dark … coolant will usually leave a greenish residue where its leaking … do u share the driveway or wheatever with someone else ?! it could not even be you

or, he has water in his coolant system instead of coolant.

either way if some fluid is leaking, check and monitor all of your fluid levels and see which one is going down…?

/end of discussion.

well fluid levels are fine driveway not shared, so i’m going with water just stuck somewhere, just happened to come out when it did, well then ignore my stupidity