LED TV Question

I have a 60 inch Sharp LED TV (4 LED’s). The TV is about 2 years old.

I noticed some clouding and/or back lighting during different TV inputs and when I watch a movie that has a dark scene. I read on a forum that it might be normal for LED TV’s (http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1867914). I am wondering if any experts on here can provide me with info and/or suggestions.



I just bought an LCD TV and it has a light spot in the center on a dark screen. You can’t really tell it’s there unless you’re looking for it, but I contacted the manufacturer and they said it was defective so I’m getting a new one.

Your best bet is to ask Sharp.

yes, that’s why LEDs suck. Some are localized LED lit so they can turn on and off areas to improve this, but that’s only at the high end and even then it’s not perfect.

some are better than others, and that first pic is bad enough it might be defective. make sure you try several sources to make sure it’s nothing to do with what’s being fed.

this is why I still have a plasma, every pixel is lit independently.

It’s too bad plasma isn’t being offered as much anymore.

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BTW, this is my screen problem that they’re sending me a new TV for:

yeah, we are in a horrible time to buy TVs right now… things should be much better in a few years again.

This is what happens when energy use gets a priority over functionality.

Plasma was the far superior display technology but it was an energy hog compared to LED. Hoping my Samsung plasma lasts at least long enough to get past this current generation of shit TV’s.

No problems with my Samsung LED…

Its a good thing I purchased the five year warranty from Sears when I purchased the product. I used to have a LG Plasma but ran into a MB issue and Sears said it would be to much to fix so they gave me money to buy a new TV. I will be placing a service call with Sears.

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Would a professional calibration solve any of these issues?

nope. it’s a function of how the screen it lit. maybe you can help it a little by lowering brightness, but that will also have downsides.

My LG Plasma still going strong since I replaced the board. Puts out some heat though.

My Samsung LED is frustrating, the blacks and dark blues are pixelated and washed out, even after setting up the TV

My 55" plasma practically heats my basement in the winter. In the summer, it’s a good reason to go outside and not watch TV.

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Panasonic exited the plasma market last year, Samsung is exiting this year. Thats leave’s LG has the only producer standing (for now).

TV tech came - nothing wrong with the TV

I didn’t know for a LED TV that the led’s are along the perimeter of the whole TV. Black/Dark is not truly Black/Dark on a LED TV like it is on Plasma (previous TV was plasma). Its going to take time to get used to not experiencing truly black scenes.

this is what you get on the cheaper end. As you spend more they put localized clusters of LED in different areas behind to light so they can turn off an area in dark scenes.
Consumers don’t know enough so they won’t pay for this technology so manufacturers are putting less zones in and making fewer TVs with local backlit LED.

the bigger the screen, the worse sidelit becomes.

I wouldn’t say my TV is cheap but it is large. I even have the TV with the extra LED (yellow) and even the tech said I purchased a good set. I paid 1500 2 years ago.

it’s all relative, I would consider anything without localized LED to be entry level, but you can do a ton worse.

I have a 3 year old 60" LG plasma that I got for $800. I’m not upgrading until I can get a 80" 4k plasma or OLED for under $3k. It might be a while. (or maybe a laser projector)