legal to have all black pellet gun in public?

nice job :tup:

lol i never went to a holding center

i havent done anythin yet

u silly geese, i just heard that from someone

CALL AND ASK! or go and show up to the police station and ask
stop hearing shit from fuckin 3rd parties and GO ASK FOR YOURSELF.


it is not illegal to carry a gun in public or even brandish it.


o’rly? :bloated:

go nuts, people just looked at me funny when i did it a few years back

haha scott that is def a similiar idea i had

get a permit like a real photographer :lol:


o’rly? :bloated:


yup. it is a fact clearly stated in the constitutional amendments. now granted i am sure there are dif details that vary from state to state. but you have the right to carry a firearm, and even brandish it in public, as long as it is a regulated legal firarm, and you are not trying to conceal it…and if you do, you have to have the proper permit.

that is how it was explained to me by a swat member, a cop, and a police recruit who had this scenario in training where they were NOT ALLOWED to arrest someone for sitting on a park bench, hanging out, with their handgun on the table next to them. it simply doesnt break any law.

yah but society sucks and i bet you will be hassled for it


yup. it is a fact clearly stated in the constitutional amendments. now granted i am sure there are dif details that vary from state to state. but you have the right to carry a firearm, and even brandish it in public, as long as it is a regulated legal firarm, and you are not trying to conceal it…and if you do, you have to have the proper permit.

that is how it was explained to me by a swat member, a cop, and a police recruit who had this scenario in training where they were NOT ALLOWED to arrest someone for sitting on a park bench, hanging out, with their handgun on the table next to them. it simply doesnt break any law.


so basically what are you trying to telling me is that if someone doesnt have a pistol permit(in NYstate) they can just sit on a park bench and have a loaded handgun in plain sight sitting next to them and its alright? NO.


so basically what are you trying to telling me is that if someone doesnt have a pistol permit(in NYstate) they can just sit on a park bench and have a loaded handgun in plain sight sitting next to them and its alright? NO.


I don’t think that is what he is saying at all. Where it says state to state rights he is pertaining to hand guns laws, also refer to where it says legally registered.

Based on what he says if I wanted to go to a park and disassemble and clean a rifle that would be fine. So long as the weapon conforms with the laws of the land.

This isn’t that big of a deal. Anyone who needs a gun for protection should have it concealed at all times anyhow. Brandishing it only invites more problems especially from others who are concealed.

^^meh i guess i dont get what he’s saying then. :gotme: its mon am and im hungover.

it happens.

i never said anything about loaded.

i am also going off of how this law works in ohio. i just realized i forgot to mention that originally. but the way i understand it is as long as the paperwork for the weapon is in order, and it is a legal gun, as long as you arent a criminal (have a record) you can brandish a gun, unloaded. to carry it (under a jacket, pocket, rib holster) you need a carry permit. as far as owning and walking around with one there isnt a law against it.

but lets say there is a law against it in NY state? is the punishment an 8 hour stay in a holding cell? thats kinda weird…if anything i think it is a matter of clearing it with authorities because even though i think it is legal…it is unusual enough to warrant a detailed investigation.

now if you want to get into technicalities about what you are required by law to do if you are being approaced and questioned by a cop…thats a dif story. i am not an expert but from what i understand there is very little you are REQUIRED to do during general questioning. oh and again this is in ohio…ny may be different but i dont think it is by much if any


[B]CALL AND ASK! or go and show up to the police station and ask
stop hearing shit from fuckin 3rd parties and GO ASK FOR YOURSELF.


quoted for truth.


lol JDM u are so emotional sometimes, let it all out!!


lol JDM u are so emotional sometimes, let it all out!!


well jesus!!! you keep beating around the hairy bush, when you can just beat the lady herself and ask the question and the get the PROPER answer then share your findings so that way at least the 3rd parties here can get the shit right when they go to tell the next guy who wants to do this

yea i hear ya, just havent done it yet

so i guess NYS is a little different. there is a gray area with it being a bb gun…but regardless. read for yourself:

dont carry without a permit basically