legalize pot

Yeah, I think it would go down a bit, but the good stuff would still be costly id bet

Probably like the cost of Marlboro’s compared to the cost of Mustang cigarettes

something like that.

Im pretty sure prices for good stuff in Amsterdam is like 50-75% of what the street cost of comparable product in the states, from what i’ve been told


actually, just looked it up, avg price is like 6-10euro’s a gram, so like $8-15 a gram, so its actually pretty close to the same, being legal

Right but Amsterdam is in Holland which is a MUCH smaller country and therefore economy. I don’t know if we’ll ever see Marijuana LEGAL. Decriminalized is right around the corner I think…but never totally legal. Sucks.

i say keep it illegal. I deal with enough friends that have smoked themselves retarded and live at home til there 30 because there weed is everything to them

i dont smoke and i could care either way it goes, if it goes legal just more room in jail for more heinous crimes

It’s the same as alcoholism. I know people who drink themselves retarded all the time and don’t do anything but. I also know people who burn all the time and are the same.

Moderation is key.

It will NEVER be legal because it’d require too much effort to put rules in place about it’s use. For example, I (myself) cannot drink any alcohol 8 hours before work. What would be the rule about how much weed I could smoke xx hours before work? etc etc

Smoke at work???
I mean who hasn’t? or at least thought of it…

Been there, done that. I still could if I wanted to.


^ this

dude… its expensive because its illegal are you kidding me ? u know alcohol was hella money back in the day when it was illegal…

dude if it was legal the price would go down fucking TONS because WAYYY more supply would be readily available

its not hard to grow GOOD weed , i and MANY people have done it, TBH its a plant that grows pretty fuckin easy and will take some fucking neglect if u ask me (:lol) but being serious about it… its no different than other plants, if it was illegal, growing it to its max potential would be NO ISSUE there is alot of other crops that are more fussy than pot !

i seriously cant believe you guys arent taking this in with common sense

instead of all the tax issues and effort to make rules, did u guys ever think about the fact that it makes you high ? maybe thats why its illegal ?

the whole alcohol thing happened a LONG time ago when things were WAYY less complicated than today, im sure if it was illegal today, it would be fucking hard as hell to make legal, more so than pot

im not saying weed will never be legal, i see it becoming that in the future… maybe when im like 40 , but its not gonna happen easily… but for the reasons you guys are saying its illegal is really making me fucking laugh

there is alot of shit we can make our selves that would cost 5 grand… services to other people being the main thing… and u dont think the gov has a hard time taxing that ?

there is alot of shit we can sell and get under the gov’s radar, so weed isnt anything different

Okay the idea behind it is so that you dont get too harsh of a fine for just personal use. If you can sit down and kill 3 grams shy of an oz in one sitting, you are my hero.

Basically they draw an imaginary line that separates personal use and sale. Sure 25g can be looked at as pretty low, but for your average toker you generally dont carry more than a few grams at a time if you are just keeping it on you for personal use.

Have I had more than 25g on me before for personal use? Sure but its not too often. Also if you pick up more than 25g you just split it up and have a passenger hold onto enough to make it so you are both carrying a smaller amount.

Here is where NY gets fucked up though. If you have a pipe or something along those lines on you and an officer finds it you can get charged with a misdemeanor.

Tourism keeps the price a bit inflated as well.


I can definitely smoke 3g in one sitting.

3 gs is a blunt. congrats.

Yes but I was talking about 25g in one sitting.

Shiggity Shchwath!?

Saw this- kind of interesting

:facepalm @ thread