lets have a gt5p track day!!!!

You guys are gonna be playing this for a loooonv time. GT5 got pushed so far back they can’t even give an estimated quarter/season time frame for the release. Christmas 2010 I bet to get more people buying PS3’s next Christmas.


wtf s up with that… is gt5 is the last gran turismo they are gonna make ? or is it just gonna be crazy crazy game…

You gotta think about it l the Japanese way. So much damn hype, not enough being delivered. There’s a reason why they are doing so much demo stuff with reworked physics: they are definitely gauging public reaction and criticisms. If the head of Polyphony doesn’t pull this off, Polyphony will fail, Gran Turismo will be tarnished, Sony and it’s reputation and history will be tarnished, sales of the PS3 will fall and this affect global economies and shareholders, and investors, and all of these people will be let down. Also the family that for generations birthed proud and dedicated “insert last name”, would be let down and the family name would be disgraced. That is not my thinking, but the Japanese way of thinking. In other words, GT5 better be perfect unless The head of Polyphone fancies a life time of shame and jumping in front of trains.

I’ve also heard that with Final Fantasy shipping in March, they want to spread out their “humps” of revenue.

As much as I’m super pissed about this, I’ll wait. I’ve played everything else and I’m still more satisfied driving the same car, on the same track, in GT5P (or the time trial).

Shitty though :frowning:

yo y dont we just get a same car, same track. do up a drift, and time trial rank match?

that doesn’t apply because Final Fantasy 13 shipped last month in Japan and the March release date was for Japan I believe. Polyphony has always taken around 5 months to releAse the North American version after the Japanese version. There’s certainly more at play.

I’m game. Won’t have a chance to play until Sunday or Monday though.

Do any of these cars work for you?

  • 512 BB
  • 350z
  • Blitz ER34
  • F430

For drifting I enjoy Suzuka, Eiger, London (all are good for time trial) – you?

New GT5 video :smiley:

That FT-86 is looking good!

im still a little baby playing with gt tuned capuchino. lol

so far i got my self into rank 87 on suzuka drift circuit. :smiley:

blitz r34 is little out of my league right now… still gotta work on 350z setting… but killing it on rx8 :smiley:

ps: dont hate on capuchino man… if there s a enough part sources i would go buy a geo convertable to fuck with. but suzuki capuchino and geo is like 240sx and s13… same chasis… but somthing else inside it.