Lets see your exhaust setup!

i have apexi n1 duals, but i got someone to hack them up and tear off the resonators haha.

Winter driven? Fuck no lol.

This car just sounds to good on a SP to put anything on it.:slight_smile:

buy my exhaust !!


Apexi N1 Duals or Equivalent Style!! Awesome exhaust note and look;-)

amazing exhaust


TiR… tight…

i am the creator of the best test pipe… in the wouuoourllld



dumps are pretty sleeper im not even gonna lie

oh cock^

Now that’s pretty awesome :smiley: However that still makes the cat non-existant and it’s still a test pipe even when not bypassed so… hmm

so whats the point of having it exit under the centre of the car?

I liked happy’s set up… electric y pipe to side cut out…

when did u get that shit! Too wicked!

Probably so cops cant see it.

Thats soft. To lazy to make another exhaust fit side by side…psh.

It’s probably better that I never run a straight pipe. I’d be Smiling like I just won the lottery all the time. That kind of stuff never gets old for me.

straight pipes arent all that great.

my hearing is pretty much shit now, i try and wear earplugs or headphones while driving now.


^so that is Dan’s old setup?..

no, Danno’s setup was similar it also dumped under the car fyi no side exit or anything like that either

if you don’t get the point of it dumping under the car, or having a second exhaust, then the reason is: the rest of it is stock so I can open it up and have the flow I need when I wanna rip, otherwise i cruise comfortable with a quiet exhaust and don’t get exhaust tickets, makes sense yea ?

I don’t remember your car being that loud on the outside. Mind you I have never heard your car while sitting in it on the highway or anything. They always seem louder on the inside anyway.