LG Dare??

Now whenever i try to access the get it now or extras, etc…it tries for a bit then gives me a message saying:

“Unable to verify your account information. Please call Customer Service.”

that was then i tried the browse and download option…then i tried the extras one again, and got:

“Unable to retrieve catalog. Please try again later. (1291)”

dude… call verizon…

i havent tried the browsing yet cause the gf is on the phone lol…gimme a few min

Sounds like you got a fuxored unit right out of the box. It happens all the time with electronics. Take it back and get a new one.

iv been having problems with my envy trying to check my email and the weather. it keeps saying connection lost, but i think it mostly has to do with the weather.

alright andy…

just tried getting to nyspeed…literally took me 1-2 seconds for the page to load.

either call verizon or exchange the phone cause yours def seems fucked.

been on hold with verizon for 15 minutes…

well…tell them to hurry up…fggts

Got through…and she fed me every line of bullshit i’ve ever heard.

Me: “I’m unable to access almost anything get it now related”

Her: “Yeah we’ve been having serious issues with get it now and everything related to it, and have had a lot of customers calling in about it. It’s a problem we’ve recognized and we’re trying to get it back up right now”

Me: “My mobile web is also extremely slow, and a guy i know with the same phone just told me that he had no problem accessing the same webpage within seconds”

Her: “yeah my mobile web on my phone has been slow recently…and that’s another thing many customers have been calling in to complain about from all over, including down in NYC and NJ.”

Me: “well i’m within a couple miles of the guy whose phone is working fine…how do you explain that?”

Her: “He’s lucky…must be in an area that’s not having problems.”

lol…so she makes it sound at first like it’s a hugely widespread problem…then kinda stumbles when i ask why somebody blocks away isn’t having problems.

continuing on…

Her: “try turning the phone off…and letting it sit for a bit…then turning it back on. Sometimes with new phones they need 24 hours to fully set themselves and be able to establish a constant connection to mobile web.”

:bloated: that was the biggest line of BS i’ve ever heard…or at least it seems to be to me.

Me: “thanks for reminding me by recommending i turn it off…my phone is doing that on its own too. When i first got it and sat in the car to try to download the backup assistant it shut itself off. i turned it back on and it still had 2 bars of battery…and again now with it plugged in and charging it shut itself off when i tried to access mobile web or get it not…don’t remember which.”

Her: “Hm…maybe you were trying to do too much at once on the new phone as it’s still getting use to being used so much.”


i was trying to do too much…it’s a fucking phone, you can only do 1 thing at a time on it! i was trying to access get it now…nothing more.

i’m going to verizon first thing tomorrow and telling them that i am not walking out of there with the same phone in my hand.

edit with summary:

i explain problems to verizon rep on phone.

she tells me it’s because:

  • they’ve been having problems with get it now.

  • “oh yeah my phone is going slow too with the web browser” (so this apparently makes it ok that my phone is slow…because hers is too)

  • try turning it off.

  • give it 24 hours…it’s just a baby phone, you need to break it in…the gaskets need to seal still.

Her: “Hm…maybe you were trying to do too much at once on the new phone as it’s still getting use to being used so much.”



trying to do too much…HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

god i would like to slap that cunt in the face.

im not trying to be racist AT ALL…but was she black?

white as can be…almost valley girl esque…but trying really hard to sound professional and knowledgeable…

said she was in rochester and she’s having the same/similar problems…so since we’re relatively close and she has the same problems everything’s ok…


yea…just tested again to double check…and was able to get to nyspeed main page very fast and was able to log in quickly.

just get it replaced…you just bought the damn thing, so they shouldnt give you shit.

the problem is…they just feed bullshit when they dont know what the problem is… this is why i hate most customer service reps. It is very rare…but sometimes you will get someone that can actually help. I would call verizon back and get someone else…see if they have you do anything different. But either way…just go swap it for a new one.

i’m not calling back and waiting on hold again to have them tell me they can’t help me over the phone. i’m just gonna go bitch tomorrow:

“i dealt with 5 chocolates over less than 2 years going to shit on me for no reason other than product malfunction…and you mean to tell me this newest and bestest phone you are now selling is no better? WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU PEOPLE BEEN DOING THE PAST 2 YEARS THAT SHIT STILL BREAKS FOR NO REASON??? I ALMOST KILLED A MAN AND HIS BABY YESTERDAY OUT OF FRUSTRATION OVER YOUR PRODUCT!”

dude, defects happen, the chocalate was notoriously shitty.

Get a new device, make sure they document your complaint in your billing notes so its on record so you have a claim if it happens again.


i turned my phone off for a bit…and it didn’t fix shit. back to the drawing board.

ps: is this thing supposed to get so damn hot? i tried loading a web page again and after waiting like 3 minutes got fed up again…but this time when i picked the phone up it was very hot to the touch.

dude, the phone is obviously fucked up. I know you are pissed, but try just being patient and waiting until tomorrow. And for the love of god, please be respectful to the verizon customer service reps.

I just loaded up facebook, nyspeed, youtube, and then woot… all of which didn’t take any longer than 3-5 seconds to load up.
No it’s not supposed to get hot, restart, give errors, summon satan, or rape children.

the phone is a defect, take it back.


andy? updates?

did they give you a new one?

take it back.

it started working the next day…but i’m still concerned about it shutting itself off a few times so when i get a chance i’ll take it back…but for the time being it is working, and only occasionally is the online slow…so i can deal with it until it’s convenient for me to go back and ask for a new one.

the more i play with it though, the more i’m impressed with technology today…and the fact that this cost 1/4 of the iPhone…and 1/2 of the new 3G…blows me away, i dont know why people are still wasting money on the iPhone