LG VX8600 vs. Motokrzr

I work at Verizon Wireless and work with both phones daily. The VX-8600 is pretty much a flipping chocolate, but has the slim design of a razr. Unfortunately it also has the same quality service as the Razr. The software on the phone, like all LGs, works great and is fast… which takes me into the K1M…

Looks cool as hell, has decent reception, all the same features as the 8600, but the software is very, very fucking slow. Reason being is that Motorola is stubborn and absolutely must have their software on all of their phones. And loaded ontop of the motorola software is the Verizon software… so you’ve got two softwares running.

Not all of the VX8600s have reception problems, its just a common defect on them right now. But, all of the K1Ms do have slow ass software. You can also look forward to LG and Verizon fixing the reception problem in the future, but don’t count on Motorola ever not being stubborn bastards.

Pick your poison, or get a Samsung.

EDIT: VzNav is downloaded through Get It Now. Of course it uses air time just like Get It Now. And both phones have 1.3MP cameras.