LG VX8600 vs. Motokrzr

Opinions on the two? My two years is up and I want to get rid of this pos v710.

Questions on the two…

-Does the Motokrzr have buggy software like the v710 and razr and freeze all the time?

-How are the reception on the two? The v710 has amazing reception and I’d like to stay as close to that as possible.

-It says that the Motokrzr navigation is through Get It Now. Does this mean its more annoying to use than the regular navigation or is that how they all are?

-Camera quality between the two? Not really important but nothing can be worse than the v710 1.3mp camera. I could take a better picture with my asshole.

Krzr :wink:

im the right guy for this. i had both phones. i right now have the 8600 and traded in the krzr for it. the krzr is a piece of shit. its slow, it freezes alot, the camera sucks. i didnt like it. i traded it in for the lg vx8600 and this is a much better phone. it takes nice pictures, its fast, it has a much better resolution and its got more features. you can access text messages and shit threw the front screen. the phone is thinner and more sleek looking and i like the all black look

all the navigation is through the v-cast that im aware of. i have had much better reception with the lg. the lg also feels more sturdy, the cover on my krzr kept looking as it would fall off. i just couldnt take the constant freezing of the krzr.

bottom line the krzr is basically the razor in a new package. still slow, still sucks.

the 8600, AFAIK, has not had ANY tech issues at the walden store.

the krzr is, of course, a moto. standard problems apply. not to mention its a pretty “girly” phone

ya i ditched the krzr once the lg came out.

why is it considered the chocolate flip phone…i thought the chocolate phone was called that since it was a “candy bar” style phone ie. bar shaped, not flip

Just because a lot of the features and design characteristics are the same between the two.

+1 for LG

Motorola turned to crap a couple of years ago.


I picked up the LG a couple days ago from evolve, helped me out alot!.. So far I love it, its very clear when talking but I think the speaker phone sucks compared to my last phone (e815 so same as yours i spose) The reception is not as good, but still havn’t droped a call or anything. Hardest part is trying to get used to the keypad, it is completely flat and I don’t have small fingers. My old phone i could dial by feel, now i have to look as i dial. I love the looks and features on the phone and it does seem durrable,

I have the LG VX8300… My friends have the Krzr/ RZR phones and they are peices… The battery lasts maybe 3 calls. My friend had to get the HUGE extended life batt just to make it usable.

My LG on the other hand can be left uncharged for a week and a half and still be functional.

I have had generally poor experiences with my moto phones. LG in general makes a much better phone although it may not look as nice it more than makes up for it in functionality and durability.

Word, i also was deciding between these two, after reading reviews and checking them out went with the 8600, no regrets at all.

Only thing that sucks is you constantly have to clean it to remove fingerprints (if you care about that kind of shit)

Good info. I’m in the market for a new phone at the end of the month and was looking between both of these.

my 8600 i i like very much easy to use and sleek i never was a fan of motorola. i almost curb stomped my motorola blue tooth tonight but realize i will just take it back

my only gripe as well. but helidrop showed me this clear skin she has on hers that i am going to buy

i love my 8600

I work at Verizon Wireless and work with both phones daily. The VX-8600 is pretty much a flipping chocolate, but has the slim design of a razr. Unfortunately it also has the same quality service as the Razr. The software on the phone, like all LGs, works great and is fast… which takes me into the K1M…

Looks cool as hell, has decent reception, all the same features as the 8600, but the software is very, very fucking slow. Reason being is that Motorola is stubborn and absolutely must have their software on all of their phones. And loaded ontop of the motorola software is the Verizon software… so you’ve got two softwares running.

Not all of the VX8600s have reception problems, its just a common defect on them right now. But, all of the K1Ms do have slow ass software. You can also look forward to LG and Verizon fixing the reception problem in the future, but don’t count on Motorola ever not being stubborn bastards.

Pick your poison, or get a Samsung.

EDIT: VzNav is downloaded through Get It Now. Of course it uses air time just like Get It Now. And both phones have 1.3MP cameras.

i never had a reception problem with my LG and i have had it sense it came out

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times.

LG is great for CDMA ONLY. (Verizon/Sprint)
Motorola is great for GSM ONLY. (Cingular/TMobile)
Nokia is great for everything. (Except they don’t make CDMA any more.)
Experiment with other combos at your own risk.

i have the krazr, its an ok phone but the battery life sucks total balls, i had to turn off the keypad back light and turn the brightness to the lowest setting and it still only lasts like 2.5 days (and i dont talk much) also if i have like ~100 texts stored on the phone it runs slow as shit and i have to delete them all to get it back to normal, does it work fine for me? yeah, but at the same time i dont expect much out of a phone.

would i buy again? probly not.