LG VX8600 vs. Motokrzr

k1m has a really high resolution screen thats why its owning your battery.

try again, that’s completely false

anyways Brett, instead of basing it just on here
phonescoop.com go do a comparison of both phones.

Personal opinion, go for the 8600. If you have any specific questions im me I run 3 stores that do Verizon, Sprint and TM and we carry both phones.

176x220 is pretty high for a cell phone. Most cell phones are 176x220 now of course, but Motorola batteries are only 880mAh. And Motorola uses lower quality batteries than LG.

8600 FTW. My ex has the Krzr and hates it. I love my LG. Wouldnt trade it for anything.

Just got an 8600 recently. Its great except for the speakerphone being pretty much useless. But I don’t care too much about that anyway, I’d recommend it for sure.

After having it for a few days the reception kinda sucks on it, compared to the e 816 anyway.

for the fuckin 30th time its since :lolham:

sense when did u become a grahamer nazy?