LG VX8600 vs. Motokrzr

im the right guy for this. i had both phones. i right now have the 8600 and traded in the krzr for it. the krzr is a piece of shit. its slow, it freezes alot, the camera sucks. i didnt like it. i traded it in for the lg vx8600 and this is a much better phone. it takes nice pictures, its fast, it has a much better resolution and its got more features. you can access text messages and shit threw the front screen. the phone is thinner and more sleek looking and i like the all black look

all the navigation is through the v-cast that im aware of. i have had much better reception with the lg. the lg also feels more sturdy, the cover on my krzr kept looking as it would fall off. i just couldnt take the constant freezing of the krzr.

bottom line the krzr is basically the razor in a new package. still slow, still sucks.