License to carry

You should’nt carry a gun cause you are’nt man enough:rofl:

G23 is my carry piece

This is my homeland security


Because I can

I want to pickup a Glock 19 9mm but just haven’t gotten around to. Currently I just carry a InterArms .380


“A nation that believes that it can live long, free and ignorant, believes what never was and never will be.”

-Thomas Jefferson

The 2nd Ammendment, America’s original homeland security.

Molon Labe!

Colt Defender .45 acp sub compact carrier here.

Molon Labe, that is my favorite saying, I have an AR15 with Molon Labe serial#. For the sheeple that don’t know what it means, “come get it”:bigthumb:

CZ .40 cal is my daily ride. The little EAA 9mm is just for fun.

I will have an AK-47 some day.

I carry a CZ .40 as well… have you ever found a nice right-handed consealed holster for it?

tiny penis.

Fixed it for you

no license yet since i’m only 18, but once i’m 21 I will be carrying my Beretta Cougar .45.

Excellent… Care to part with any of those rifles? Let me know.



if i felt like i needed to carry a gun, i’d spend my time in better places.

Right, because criminals never go to those places. Oh, actually they do, and your thinking is the reason they target those areas.

If you don’t want to protect your ass that’s fine, but I’ll be ready, because I don’t expect to be ignorant or unprepared, and remain free.

Molon Labe!

SW40VE .40 cal w/14 round clip

Thanks for the input guys. I picked up a VERY CHEAP Hi Point 9MM Compact. Its my first hand gun so I didn’t want to make a huge investment. Can’t beat a 9MM for $130 with a lifetime warranty.