License to carry

do believe its the 4inch…but i thought they said 5?? does anyone else make a 5inch barrel in that round?

no its the 4"
its not that hard to shoot…its fun and REALLY loud and a huge flash…all and all its a pretty easy round to handle.

The 5" is the 460 model

sounds like my pee pee…

i am not a huge fan of guns… but now that i have my house i am kinda thinking about getting one. my old neighbor has a .357 for sale and i was considering that one. but i have no clue.

haha imagine shooting that…2 3/4"

why does he have to be black? and why did all the towns u name mostly black population? are u racist? im sorry for your friend i truely am, but i still wont ever carry all the time, or hardly ever once i get my handgun. there is no point to. if he had a gun was he going to pull it? and whos not to say with one of those 4 guys they were not carrying? then what happens?

The HK USP is not fully ambi, the slide release is for right handed only, there are only 2 guns that I know of that are fully ambi, one is the HK P7M8 series and the HK P2000 series. I know this cause I’m lefty and have both of those guns. Here is a pic of my P7’s, this is the best it gets for a true ambi handgun.

I’ll take my chances with my firearms skills against a punk/thug any day of the week. Sometimes it’s more than just yourself. What do you do when those 4 guys come up to you, and they want to rape your wife/gf? Just give them your wallet and your woman? Or put up a fight, then watch them rape her while you bleed?

Better to be prepared.

Regarding the grip safeties, I like them, but I’m a righty, so I guess they were designed for me. My Kimber fullsize 1911 has ambi-safety (Jacked-up has seen that one), and my dad has a Kimber 3.5" 1911, also with ambi-safety. Honestly though, I’ve never used the safety while carrying. Either the chamber is empty, or the hammer is forward. I guess either way the hammer is forward. I don’t carry cocked, and locked, but that’s just me.

It’s nice with a SA gun to be able to leave one in the chamber, and not have to worry about accidentally firing the gun.

im sorry but im not going to go walking threw a neighborhood that has a know bad reputiaion. nor would i go for a nite time stroll with my gf/wife threw a neighborhood like that, i like most ppl i think, stick to normal areas when i go out wiht my gf. like shopping, movies, resturants.

we all know NOTHING happens at the movies…LOL

lowes, hahaha, but i hardly ever go there, i have a nice place to go close to home

Its just funny people think that NOTHING will happen if they are in a nice area. Thats a flase sense of security.

never said that, im sayin look how many ppl went threw life with out needing a gun…why should i feel that i need one? i konw ur going to say what happens if u do and u dont have one? look all of this is big what IF’s…and soo far some ppl on this site said they carried for over 10+ years and not needed to use it yet. this world is fucked up i know, but once again, call me a hippie, but id like to belive that there could be peace among most of us. im not goign ot go everywhere carring my gun, as if i have a false sense of security.

Look how many people made it through life without health insurance. Unless you’re an idiot, and you go to fight club on saturday night, you shouldn’t need it either.

i dont have health insurance, still play football, baseball, basketball here and there, and do all kinds of dumb things…look this can go on forever just like domestics vs. imports. its all matter of opinions

It is opinion, but you insinuate that those of us who carry are wrong because nothing happens in safe areas. You’re entitled to your opinion, and I’m not going to force you to carry, but be a criminal for a minute…would you rather mug a guy with a gun, or a guy w/o one? The more people that carry, the more it discourages street crime of any kind.

Justin, do you want to hit up the southside with holsters in open view Friday?

im not insinutae that, i even said my mother works in a bad area for 20+ years and nothing has happened to her. and if its concield, like it should be, how is a crimanal goign to konw u have a gun on you?

why would i wanna go to teh southsid with my gun???

EXACTLY…and that is why it doesnt happen AS MUCH as it does…They dont know what kind of situation they are going to put themself in as well. The peopl that carry also are helping the non since the badguy still wont know if you have one or not and make them 2nd guess.

I meant (Jacked-up) Justin.

Open carry is kinda neat, it’s a bit of an interpretation issue, but technically you don’t even need a permit to open carry. Cops typically don’t like that interpretation, because they like to be the only ones who can do that, but what’s the point of the 2nd ammendment, if gov employees can and we can’t?

soo why would a bad guy jump me then?? listen to what ur sayin, ur sayin hes not goign to jump you, b/c he thinks u might have a gun, but isnt sure. soo why would he jump me then, i might have a gun, but might not?! ur sayin hes going to jump u on just b/c of theory of u might having a gun or not.

you can flip the lever over to the other side, and my M&P is fully ambi, thats why I bought it.