life changing decision


its not that simple. Some credits transfer and some dont. My guess is most wont. ECC has a few decent technical programs. Look into Buff State. Its a decent school and better then ECC. Shoot higher for your goals. I understand that you like cars. We all do but making a career out of it is a whole different story. Get yourself a decent degree, make a good salary and be able to afford all the toys you want without slaving over a wrench all day.


best post right here

i used to be a mechanical engineering major. i couldnt cut it. also i realized that my dream of designing car parts for a living was not realistic and that it also might not have been as fun as i hoped for.

I switched to computer science. as a major, i love it. im way more into it then i was engineering. i determined that as a hobby, i would always like cars. as a carreer, im gonna stick to computers.

sorry im late on this but im attending ohio tech now been here about 6months, im not in auto, but i do have to say i like the school alot, the teachers are very laid back and like to have a good time, but yet you still learn alot, if you have any questions at all PM or IM me


djnick was telling me quite a long time ago he went to ECC, and he obviously learned alot.

Honestly though, I wouldn’t go to school to be a mechanic, unless you are going to own your own shop.

Working at a shop only makes you tired. I’ve heard this from so many techs that I know. If you own your own shop its worth it.


its not that simple. Some credits transfer and some dont. My guess is most wont. ECC has a few decent technical programs. Look into Buff State. Its a decent school and better then ECC. Shoot higher for your goals. I understand that you like cars. We all do but making a career out of it is a whole different story. Get yourself a decent degree, make a good salary and be able to afford all the toys you want without slaving over a wrench all day.


umm both ecc and gcc’s courses are fully transferable to UB

what dont you like about ohio tech? besides the 9 million neon signs and movie posters?


I graduated from ECC auto many years ago. Was an excellent program. But then school is what you make of it. If you dont pay attention etc… your not gonna learn. The staff was and i believe still is top notch. Haliman, Whiteford, Clark, Mustello, Perkins, Eddy are awesome guys and know thier shit. I still have some involvement there and someday hope to maybe join the staff.


Ditto on everything he said. i graduated from there in 2004. Like stated it’s what you make of it. There were kids who would just show up because they had to and those that wanted to learn soemthing. I work in the field now and can honestly say that it prepared me pretty damned good for what i was getting into. Obviously certain things you have to learn on your own but it comes in time. I give the VTTC at ECC a :tup:

Wyotech. 9 months you go through auto tech field and take asm, applied service mangement, which gets you your degree.


umm both ecc and gcc’s courses are fully transferable to UB


thats not true. It depends on the course and major. Try taking auto mechanics at ECC and transferring that toward a Engineering degree. They will laugh at you.

thats ridiculous, thats like saying… you are taking art classes, and you want the two years you spent finger painting to transfer into 2 years of computer science… (of course an exaggerated version)

They do have 2+3 programs, if you stay within the realm of things…

ok as far as transferring to ub enginneering from ecc:
im in this perdicament right now, this is how it boils down.

there is two different kinds of mechanical engineering at ecc:

mechanical engineering technology is a little more hands on and a little less emphasis on math (but calc ect is still req.)

this transfers seamlessly into buff state, alfred or rit’s MET programs but the majority of credits will NOT transfer to UB

There is also straight mechanical engineering at ECC, this is the one that focuses more on theory and has less labs and hands on work (math is a large focus here)

this program transfers to UB rather well.

if there is a choice, go to UB.

XCC < Buff state < UB.

you can probably make more money behind a desk, than behind a wrench.

have a BT electrcal eng, and minor in CIS from buff state
and have a year or so left for my MS engineerng Tech at buff state…
and, i’m on govt assistance :frowning:

if you want to start at a CC, then go to your transfer school of
choice and work out the details of what will and will not transfer.
try and get it in writing too, college is damn expensive.

Ohio Tech >> ECC auto.


Shoot higher for your goals. I understand that you like cars. We all do but making a career out of it is a whole different story. Get yourself a decent degree, make a good salary and be able to afford all the toys you want without slaving over a wrench all day.


gold right here.


trust me man, im and x-enigeering major at UB. engineering isnt all its cracked up to be.



trust me man, im and x-enigeering major at UB. engineering isnt all its cracked up to be.


wait. I am saying that he should look into engineering as opposed to a specifically automotive based career. The “good job with good salary” part was the engineering… But there is a LOT of engineering to be done… not just automotive stuff…

ahh i misunderstood ya. sorry.

or maybe not.

i think that he thinks if he gets into mechanical engineering that its gonna blossom into some super cool job designing race cars and shit. and while there are mechanical engineers who are doing that, i wouldnt ride on that being the case every time.

yeah theres lots of engineering to be done, and if ur passionate about that type of work then its good.

ive found that enigneering is NOT for everyone. cars are sweet and a good hobby, but not really a great carreer(most of the time)

u guys are saying that he should get a good paying job and keep cars as a hobby(if i comprehending correctly). Well this is the exact reason that i got OUT of engineering. i realized that it wasnt the best carreer path for me and that the glamorous like of desigining race cars was far from realistic. so i took up computer science which im more passionate about from an academic standpoint.

the whole computer and internet thing is just a fad…
it will never take off.

buff state has dual degree… w/2 extra years for 2 degrees.

it is dependant on interests. computer science is nice…
but then your workplace will not have tools for you to abuse persuing your hobby :smiley:


but then your workplace will not have tools for you to abuse persuing your hobby :smiley:


lol :snky:


but then your workplace will not have tools for you to abuse persuing your hobby :smiley:


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