Lifters/ Gym Rats...step inside

I came into this thread really late unfortunately, but I have some valuable input if it’s still required. Just a few comments to start it off:

  1. Gaspari makes kick ass supps. I’ve tried other creatines and other no2s, but I always come back to SizeON and SuperDump. It’s a shame they are so expensive though. Yes I’d take the SuperDump 30 mins before lifting, yes 50% of the time I’d have to shit before hitting the weights.

  2. I’ve dealt with innovative research a couple times on various products, all of them were excellent quality, it’s just a shame some of their more popular products are hard to keep in stock. While I’m not personally convinced some of the peptides they sell are better than others ( IGF-1 vs LR3, pegMGF vs MGF ) Their PCT is very cheap and good, their torem is outrageous.

  3. I’m surprised that someone said albuterol is better than clen, I would tend to disagree. The sides are less, but the potency is much less also. Albuterol has shown other positive attributes than fat loss making it a generally positive supplement, where-as clen’s purpose is clearly defined and omni-present in day to day affairs.

  4. I wish I benched 360 while weighing 190. That’s nice man.

  5. Stiff legged deadlifts and rack deads are my favorite lifts, for sure.