Lifters/ Gym Rats...step inside

Wendys n Francos Pizza are my best friend. If you have a high metabolism some fat isnt bad because you are going to burn the calories anyways. Its hard to eat 4,5, 6000 calories of protein and carbs because of the exchange rate. If you wanna put weight on do the serious lifts. Bench, Dead lifts, Squats, n Cleans. Putting mass on the legs helps the upper body grow too.

One of my buddies who used to compete, would set his alarm for 2am everyday, and have a pre-made protein shake sitting there. He’d just chug it, and go back to sleep, that way he neevr went more than 4 hours without food in him.

lol ya he never showed up

yes i did :bloated:

u are all there way before i even show up

up to 190lbs from about 175lbs and soft about 4 weeks ago. i’m def going to need to cut though closer to summer.

Im not going to cut for summer Im just going to keep getting bigger.

I prefer Fizzbitch personally. lol.

Seriously though…I’m 5’11, 190 lbs…I don’t think I could put up 220. Damn my lazyness when laid off for 3 months lol. I lost alot of muscle from sittin around…but my forarms are HUGE!

You should be the biggest when laid off. All you have to do is eat and workout. You dont burn any calories.

I came into this thread really late unfortunately, but I have some valuable input if it’s still required. Just a few comments to start it off:

  1. Gaspari makes kick ass supps. I’ve tried other creatines and other no2s, but I always come back to SizeON and SuperDump. It’s a shame they are so expensive though. Yes I’d take the SuperDump 30 mins before lifting, yes 50% of the time I’d have to shit before hitting the weights.

  2. I’ve dealt with innovative research a couple times on various products, all of them were excellent quality, it’s just a shame some of their more popular products are hard to keep in stock. While I’m not personally convinced some of the peptides they sell are better than others ( IGF-1 vs LR3, pegMGF vs MGF ) Their PCT is very cheap and good, their torem is outrageous.

  3. I’m surprised that someone said albuterol is better than clen, I would tend to disagree. The sides are less, but the potency is much less also. Albuterol has shown other positive attributes than fat loss making it a generally positive supplement, where-as clen’s purpose is clearly defined and omni-present in day to day affairs.

  4. I wish I benched 360 while weighing 190. That’s nice man.

  5. Stiff legged deadlifts and rack deads are my favorite lifts, for sure.

being downstate now all i have to do is work and go lift. i guess im gettin pretty big im like 6’ 225 but now i wanna cut down to like 210

Weight is all relative to bodyfat, so… maybe you are just a fatty?

Just kidding. Lets hear some of the weights you push around.

Well i have a powerlifting meet sat at the jewish community center on deleware ave sat. Hoping to bench 375 clean n pull 575. Ive done those both before so just hope my game is on sat. Im 20 n 220.

Thats a strong-ass deadlift you have there. I’ve never really had anyone watch me before, so I really can’t comment on my form or anything. I look at videos and stuff and watch the feedback, and I guess you want your legs to lock-out the same time your back does, so it’s one fluid motion. I try to concentrate on that as much as possible.

The most I’ve ever done was around 450-455. It is a narrow stance, which is just the way I do them. I also don’t alternate my grip ever. Both of my palms face my body. I’ve tried the alternating grip and it just feels awkward. I understand that the wider “sumo” stance brings you that much closer to the ground, but it’s not always allowed at all the meets and whatnot, so I haven’t bothered to ever do it. I’d like to hit 500, that would be sweet. I don’t want to be some weirdo that can bench more than I can deadlift, lol.

Man, I always have to alternate my grip, especially when doing rack deads. The weight is just too much and I feel as though I have a much better grip with them opposing. My gym is >GAY< and doesn’t allow straps, but if I could, I’d use them.

I use a close stance, not sumo. Second alternating grip is way better than both palms facing you. Next I would never use straps its retarded. It weakens your grip, why would you wanna do that. I have got my grip strong enough from bent over rows, deadlifts, etc. Holding the weight is not an issue anymore.

It’s not retarded at all when you can’t maximize the intensity and reps of a set because you can’t hold on the bar anymore. No matter how strong your grip is, there will always be a weight that is just too much to pull multiple times

On that note, do you bench with a shirt?

i dont have the time to eat right :frowning: until school is over… so i’m a little bit at a stand still

I feel you man i look and feel like shit right now. I decided to take full time classes this semester and it ws a big mistake I am literally about to have some type of breakdown. Im going for a run after work to try to calm my nerves. This blows

Straps FTW! Sue me I am 175lbs and dead 400+ with tiny bitch hands and a bitch grip lol I love my straps.
Benching with a shirt is a joke!!! Andrew does not approve. I doubt a guy trashing straps benches with a shirt.

Uh no i def dont use a shirt or any equip at that lol. N i have never had a problem pulling weight multiple time due to grip. Train without the straps for a little while and your grip wont be the problem. Get some chalk. I feel chalk is even better than straps at that matter. This also helps keep your forearms in proportion to the rest of your body.

Fuck you bitch! Eat! Eat right now, no excuses!