List food that's hard to eat:

Fresh semen…it’s so good, but it sticks to your teeth.


Fresh semen…it’s so good, but it sticks to your teeth.


I don’t know anyone that let’s it sit in their mouths that long,to stick to their teeth…I only know girls that swallow!!:suckoff:


bony fish
really spicy sushi
kristens dinners jk <3
well done steaks
very sweet things. i hate when food is loaded with sugar


I don’t know anyone that let’s it sit in their mouths that long,to stick to their teeth…I only know girls that swallow!!:suckoff:



Don’t degrade my spearm swallowing tactics…i’ll do it how i want!


cheetos…my penis gets all orange



Hate making tuna sandwich’s (effin tuna jiz while draing the can)


Juju b’s


Came in here specifically to say that. Those things are impossible!

fat chicks

omg hahahaha sexual jokes hahahah /sarcasm…

I hate trying to eat cherry tomatoes in salads…so tough to get a fork in sometimes, then when you do they like to spray their juice all over the place

on that same note, pitted olives. i dont like them but if i dont eat them i feel like im missing out on something.


omg hahahaha sexual jokes hahahah /sarcasm…

I hate trying to eat cherry tomatoes in salads…so tough to get a fork in sometimes, then when you do they like to spray their juice all over the place


looks like u and eviljay need to get in touch with each other.

We have. It was magical.

crutons are so hard to get on the fork when youre eating a salad… you like stab it and the fucking thing breaks in half grrrrr


I hate trying to eat cherry tomatoes in salads…so tough to get a fork in sometimes, then when you do they like to spray their juice all over the place


haha, yeah, they go shooting all over the plate. i once had a pepperonchini spray spicy juice right in my fucking eye. and i was wearing glasses.

OT: Pepperonchini’s are delicious. But you only give 1 with salad…goddamn hebrew salad makers…skimping on the peppers…


OT: Pepperonchini’s are delicious. But you only give 1 with salad…goddamn hebrew salad makers…skimping on the peppers…



(of course he did, he was jewish… they don’t spend nothin!)

frozen mike and ike

so good but so fucking hard to chew

ie. pepperonchini’s= finger food, hence the stem.


Really hot wings from DUFFS… i get all sweaty


or spicy bbq wings from Bar Bill in EA.

edit: NM, the spicy BBQ is worth it.
the plain hot wings are definatly not.

China King chicken with garlic sauce

Makes me sweat