little help from some guys would be great

hey guys long time reader but only signed up today (im even on it on my bb at work) i have almost everything figured out for what i want in a car. bone stock out side dont need the heat from the cops. nice none ricer inside black on platinum, but what ever that dont matter. i no im getting fmic, new clutch, bov, new rad, i have a set of altama fans and boost control. now im stuck here and need an educated opinion from some guys that know what there talking about. i like the s14 cause its new, quick swap some parts around. but the vvt scares me from valve knock, and there kinda hard to find. now iv been looking at s13s but the age scares me so heres the question. were can i get one that wont need a rebuild if i can at all and if not il build it myself with lack of knowledge and 100 of hours of being on google. now in your opinion is it stupid hard to redo the motor i.e. new pistons, rings rods (maybe stock prolly cheaper) get the crank resurrected, hone the walls, clean the whole motor, get the head polished. im not looking for 450+ im more interested in a motor that can handle fun and to have a learning experience. can you guys shed some light on this. give me a scale of 1/10. im an organized guy that can read well and vary inclind with tools. and whats a price for this out of the top of your head. thanks guys love site and cant wait for my first crack at boost. fuck street racing.

Post on zilvia, they’d be glad to help

I’ve had 2 S14 SR’s (currently on second) and i’ve never had “valve knock”.

s14 sr arent hard to find in good condition… just dont buy from tiger… buy from ppl like Riworx who wont fuck u.
no need to rebuild the motor unless its busted or id say above 200k Km… or if ur looking to produce over 450+…

just buy from a reliable source. i beat my SR to fuck with 0 problems… lol

id be more worried about your budget when it comes to this stuff… and again age means nothing when they are clean. example:!-Amazing-Condition

probably cleaner then a lot of S14s FS…

and bone stock outside/inside…well bone stock USDM? or jdm? LOL both are stock… did u look into that? a bone stock type-x s13 is alot different then a bone stock pignose…

at anyrate i think u have WAY more research to do

yepp thats why im losing sleep with all this. im looking for a 89-93 hatch usdm or a 93 coupe. and ya thats why rebuild is on my mind from horror stories i hear

those horror storys are probably from cheap asses who bought motors off tiger and or other retarded companies.

just pay good money and u wont have problems.

thanks guys. would it be smart to buy off guys here?