LKSi, again

oh really? a line you say?? Has this line appeared since yesterday after 4pm??

But I love Mac sauce! (not man sauce like others)

ill be there i love cruising the sacandaga lake up to LG prolly my favorite drive

Had to get one final word in so people understand my position. I don’t hate nick alero because he got drunk and ruined our trip. Everyone does stupid shit when drunk.
I hate him because he is a genuinely shitty person. Calling me a leech nick? Really?? I’ve given you free close to brand new tires when you needed them, diagnosed your car for free and helped get it fixed, drove you an hour away to look at a car, and my personal favorite… offered to pay for your key that you had to have made for your shitty ass car. I put $120 in your hand if I recall correctly.
Here’s what you do when “friends” need a ride. CHARGE THEM GAS MONEY. What the fuck you cheap fuck. $10 to give jiggs a ride home when he lived 5 minutes from you? Fuck you.
You talk shit about everyone behind their back. If you are wondering what comment I am pissed about… its when you said my friend had low standards. You srs brah? Even if he did (not the case at all) would YOU be allowed to say it? The kid who has to lie about HANGING OUT with girls not to mention the ridiculous lies about hooking up. The girl you insulted is one of my best friends and is a more honest and genuine person than you’ll ever be. Fuck you once again, hope three 6 mafia rapes the shit out of you in ga.

Cliffs- nick alero lies about everything, somehow thinks he has the right to talk down about others, somehow thought he could make an alero fast, knows a guy with 2 ls1 swapped HONDA ACCORDS


greatest shift thread in a loooong time.

You’ve been on shift since july…

Hey look, i found a picture of you…

Yup, especially you. So keep going.

Clifton park is far from an hour. But I do appreciate that, so thank you. I asked if you wanted money for the tires, you said no. So thank you. You did diagnose my car with the 02 b/s, and thanks for doing that. Just like I thanked you then and now, a large portion of my friends still expect a thank you for looking after you/putting up with you. For free. The number of times you stayed, for free, in my apartment, is absolutely in the double digits. Wanna compare the price of a hotel room for 10 nights to a pair of tires and a ride to Clifton Park? Don’t think so. So continue.

I remember that night. I was living in Troy then. If I remember, Jigg’s offered 10 to Kevin to drive him home, and I said for 10 I would do it. Jiggs then took the 10 offer off the table. So 1) He was far from 10 minutes from me and out of my way and 2) He offered money before I offered a ride. I didn’t offer a ride for 10 bucks. Next.

If I’m pissed at someone, of course I’m going to vent about it. Especially since I put up with her ranting for an hour while she was high/drunk/whatever.
And have been/did meet multiple girls this semester. Did it go anywhere? No. It got close more than once. Call me Ilya I guess. People other than shift people have seen me with said women. Def happened…more than once.

jesus christ


edit: in response to Murrdogg

and why the fuck is Ilya being dragged into this?

Nooooo sir. You were at your parents which is why I offered you five dollars to bring joe jigs home… because he was about 10 minutes out of your way compared to my hour. 5 dollars was more than reasonable and instead you demanded 10 and I said fuck it, il do it myself.

It was when you were still working on the Civic? Back then, right?

jesus christ looks like me

Nickalerobro spanks it as much as jellies apparently. :rofl

Probably… can’t remember the exact time but there are three people who will confirm that story.

Yea…I was in Troy until May 29th, I know 10 people who will confirm that story.
I was not living with my parents until then, and I know the Civic was in your garage until the end of May. The next time I saw you after I moved out of there was the night before you got the car tuned.

I thought I crankwalked the VR-4 then, remember? It was out of commission from the 23rd (confirmable by fb) until the 3rd of June).

So I was def not living home yet.


Oh you never went to your parents throughout the school year?


i’ll need a rolecall for this !

I went home for dinner every Sunday, and that was it. I never went home in May though. The last time I saw my parents before I moved home was the day I sold the CL (which if I remember right was the end of March?).


Well seriously. The 5 people I lived with plus the 5 in the house one of my roomys moved into.


Just let this shit happen. I want some reading in the morning.