LMAO who knows this CHODE


Hahaha omg what a dipshit

um I do

he was a year under my graduating year, but he hung out with my friends…I however, would talk to him when he was around, but wouldnt go out of my way. I guess you could say we were “cool” but not really friends.

he was odd…I knew something was up.

hahhaa… im sure he had the biggest hard on when he let the guy go with a warning

wow haha people will do anything now a-days

at least if your going to do that. pull over some hot girl…


Rankin, have known and have lol’ed. I hope you lol’ed too.

instead of pulling over random people.


what a chode. if that kid walked up to my window and said he was a cop wearing a speshul offisir d00fey POLICE hat, id just drive away

All I could think about was that tool back in the day at loudonvill christian school lol

This could explain your extra love/spooning with me/steve/zach/ and esp meena. :lol

The only thing worse than being a cop, is pretending to be a cop.

haha this kid was in some of my classes, graduated on 2006. i didnt know him, but i knew of him. the day after this happened someone made a facebook group “getting pulled over by dave healy” and apparently he threatened to kill some of the people who liked it haha.

:rofl what a retard, he’s fucked

Wow two felonies just for wearing a police hat and acting like an asshat lol

mad dumb

Tip number 1: If you are going to act like a cop and pull someone over… dont do it in your moms green Envoy with your Vol fire blue lights.

hope he gets ass fucked in jail.

hah fucking moron…

If the people that got pulled over knew what the actual NYS police cars look like, they have the blue on the back of the lights, not the front (I realize it was a dash mounted light, but still).