lol. im totally a "snitch"

so im leaving work tonight and as im walking through the parking lot to my car i hear some asshat in an autotragic hyundi or some shit come tearing ass through the adjacent parking lot. i walk closer and see some kid in a flat black tercell? (gnar wing included, obv) doing like 50 through a parking lot where kids hang out, getting super close to these nice kids just hanging out, skating and not really causing much trouble.

my managers son is one of these kids who regularly hang out so i yell at him “dude, who the fuck was that??”

his responce “idk dude. kid’s an asshat. we call it the wingy car. go light him up in the bimmer!”

“nah man, shits not running right just yet… have a good night”

so i leave, driving through the village bc the main rd is one way, when i see this shithead kid sitting on the side of the road. i mean mug the shit out of him, and continue. a few blocks up i see a po-tron coming at me. i decide to flag him down. i lean out of my window waving and he slows. i pull up, and say

“i just saw a kid do like 50 through xxxxxxx parking lot, and he’s parked a few blocks back”
“where is he now?”
“corner of xxxx and xxxx. he honestly could have killed someone, just go scare him please?”

before i could even finish my sentence the po tron was off


Its a good move. The cop wont write him a ticket since he didn’t do anything but its nice to scare the shit out of the kid to maybe make him not do it again.

Note to self: dont do anything illegal around jam or he will run and get the cops :slight_smile:


IB4 Siedmier posts that he got a new Tercel to save gas and the man is keeping him down again.


Good. I think I know where your talking about, and this is NOT a good place to screw around. I’m glad that kids are still able to hang out there, and not screw things up. :tup:


thanks for the ticket A$$.

lol A+

snitches get stitches


I’d do the same thing.

Back when I lived in Derby, there was this pickup truck tailgating me really badly down my street. There are two stop signs before you get to my “block”, and he’d slow down, and speed up really fast when I was at the stop signs. I lived at the end of the road, so when I pulled in my driveway, he was stopped at the stop sign that’s right there. I asked him what the fuck his problem was, and he asked me if I wanted to fight, and his girlfriend started getting out of the truck, with like… his little brother?? I said don’t waste your time, so he threw a full pop can at me. In turn, I called the cops. Teehee.

I always wonder what happened.


You are having a good week with your quality of posts in the humor department.

:tup: to jam for that and for JayS for the quality post.

The other night some clown in a Grand Am threw a nearly empty beer bottle out the window right in the middle of the street. I was walking the dogs so lucky for him I didnt have my phone on me. Broken glass all over the middle of the road; it really made me mad because earlier that day I had to get a flat tire fixed. Instead of snitchin I just grabbed a push broom and swept it out of the road.

Classy. :tup:


I guess I shouldn’t have made a cop thread again.
Jam, sorry for acting like an ass, and sorry you didn’t like the spoiler, I bought it like that.
It really is a nice car though, and it’ll smoke your bimmer anyday.