lol... well i'm no car expert like most of you but...

i’m gonna go ahead and say that this is a pretty bad thing

What the hell is that, piston?

What the hell happened?

someone got ahold of pics of my oil pan…

i have no idea yet… in the process of tearing it down. whatever it is, it isn’t really a problem coz i got another engine for free, just costing me the time.

and i think i see parts of a piston ring in there, maybe it let go of the rod and then got smashed by it when if came back up? who knows, i’m learning as i go

yep its blown up just put in the other engin ddont waset your time tearing this 1 down

fawk…okay :crying:

gonna cross my fingers on this one… i’m doing it all myself and i know theres gonna be something i miss and fuck up. every other time i’ve done engine swaps there was a group of people there, so if one knucklehead missed something, someone else caught it :x:

yeah… and you bastards still fuck it up :bigok:


didn’t ken like spray paint the inside of the supra’s engine or something incredibly stupid like that…? i forget, and i know jimmy was responsible for losing track of pretty much every bolt in that engine bay

and now that i think of it… you were there for more of that engine work on ricky’s car than i was :bigok:

yeah i built the bottem end. they were to impatient for me to come over and put the rest of it together right.

those hippies didnt even set the timing on the motor before tryin to start it.

damn probes :slight_smile:

that is probably bearings, rings and possibly chunks of pistons…pull the head off and you should be able to tell if the actual piston came apart but either way that motor is junk. probably so far out of spec it can’t even be align bored

it looks like cast iron to me…

theres definately chunks of ring in there… and no matter what the motor is shot

i’m gonna put the other one in, and tinker with the old one just to learn shit
can’t hurt

progress pictures…


and more…

ahhh, i found the problem

why didn’t you pro’s tell me it was circled right on the front of the damn car?!?!?!

oh, and new engine should be in within the next couple days, which i realize none of you probably give a shit about, but i think it’s cool that i’m not paying someone to do it and learning a bunch of shit as i go