2.09am Blown Motor Situation

So as you guys know I blew my motor

And as you also know i bought new pistons

what you may not know is that I broke a ring trying to install the piston rings, the ring compressor got caught on a ring and, without knowing this, as i pulled up on the ring compressor it snapped the ring.

I searched everywhere for rings but since the pistons are 1mm overbore and they use their own thicknesses finding rings was nearly impossible. Finally this tuesday I ordered new rings from one of CP’s distributors in California. I had the rings overnighted to me so that i would have them wednesday morning and I could assemble the engine. So wednesday the rings come when im in teh shower and since i’m not there to pay the 4.37$ in customs fees buddy leaves. I call UPS and cuss, but as always it is usless. They say that I can pick them up that night.

Never happens.

I have a spare engine that is blown and the exact sitaution of the engine is unknown. So we say fuck it pull the head off that engine and see whats going on there. Pistons look aright, but the head is gunky as fuck. And i mean disgusting. Dried up crusty oil everywhere. Probobly one eof the nastiest engines i’ve ever seen in my entire life

So we take off the oil pan and play with the rods. One of the rod bearings has completly disintegrated and the rod can slap back and fourth on the crank - there are MARKS on the block from where the rod was hitting the crank. Sweet.

So we take the new bearings that were going to be going into my new motor and replace all the piston bearings. Sweet. Re-assemble the motor all of thursday, using my good head off of my engine that has been damaged - using OLD valve seals since i couldn’t get any brand new ones when i needed them, and hell the engine needs to come apart soon anyways.

Friday (today) we put the motor in the car and hooked her all up. Fucking ridiculous. We started her up and there is so much rod knock it sounds like a fucking goats ass being slapped by a freight train 7000 times a minute. Sillyness.

So with it all said and done, the car runs. It dumps out smoke and leaks oil and makes clacking noieses but it runs, so its coming to the track.

Guesses on how long until it blows up?

Thanks to danner brandon bobobobobobobobo brandons friend jantos ed avery and other fucks for helping me get it all together in time



p.s. we’re video taping all the car teh WHOLE time tommorow so that if it blows we’ll have it on camera

Ahh ha haha,

Sasha’s Motor Status: BLOWN UP MAX!

i was right, “he’ll be lucky if he lasts one lap”

lol yup one lap then the rod blew out the side of the block boys, pics tommorow



hope u didnt blow up ur ‘good’ head…

hahaha! Thats funny. At least you tryed and didnt have much of a loss.