stupid question about blown motors

so i know i had the spark plugs on wrong and the engine backfired. i tried to start iot up about 5 times before i reaized the problem, and each time once it kicked over it sounded like it exploded lol.

changeed the order of the plugs today, thought i had it right but i dont again, and this time it wont turn over it just makea that noise when u turn the key and it tried to turn over. cant think of the word im looking for.

i dont know what a blown motor sounds like, if it would just run like mines doing when the key is turned without actually turning over, or much about blown motors for that aprt.

could i have blown my motor with something like this?

need an asnwer quickly…

thanks guys

You can’t really do much damage by cranking and missfiring.

Did you take the distributor out of the motor? Could you have put it back in on the wrong tooth?

Check your spark plug wire arrangement, if you get even just two messed up, it may not run or even fire.

Hope this helps


thanks theo

much appretiated. ill pray for you tonight lol.

but no, i didnt remove the dist.

i left it on, and impretty suire there are 2 or 3 or 4 wires mixed up. ill know for sure tommarow.

just glad i didnt do much damage to the motor.

later boyo’s