Look! A pole!

psycho ex broke in when i was home and wouldn’t answer the door

do i count?

The cops came…he ran up the back of the cop car started trying to kick our the rear window and took off down the street…it was sweet :headbang:

All sorts of gangster shit pops off around here :lol:

in order to get a pistol permit in Erie county you need to go to a course but down here in the sticks (allegany county) they hand you a gun on your birthday. by birthday i mean the actual day you’re born.

personally, i like having security 3 seconds away. if someone ever tries to hurt my wife or myself they will get a surprise because i’m a good shot and i get 20 tries to hit them.

lol yep that pretty much sums up Allegheny’s way of giving a pistol permit

I picked up the forms the last week in August and had my permit in the mail before the end of September. It was great.

yeah my brother got his quick also.

its funny how county’s differ.

I don’t just have guns, I also have a back-hoe and lots of land.:smiley:

Asking “why do you need a gun” is like asking “why do you need a fast car”?

Yeah but what I’m asking is more like “Have you ever failed to escape a bad situation because you didn’t have a fast car unlocked and idling nearby at all times?”

when my dad was 13 or so a guy broke into his house (he grew up on nottingham in buffalo by delaware park) tied up my dad and his brother and robbed the house (all my grandmothers furs, jewelry, ect.)

my grandpa and grandma came home to this, untied them, took inventory, and didnt call the cops

the guy was shot 6 times walking out of rominellos a few months later

true story

thats some real ass old school greasy iti shit right there

the way it still should be

good ol rominellos on the west side, loved it there, sucks he sold it too!!, lots of stories from that place back in the day.


Only an Italian could tell a true story like that.:biglaugh:

while i have your attention, i figure i’ll tell another story

my dad’s dad was the original jam, he died 2 months before i was born, thats why i have his name

so they had a cottage somewhere, cant really remember where and they were having a pool installed. my dad was young at the time (15?) and he was helping my grandpa with yard work. 2 kids a few years older than my dad walked by and said some rude things to my dad. grandpa let it slide…

so the same kids walk by a while later and say something like “hey mendola, you better let us swim in your pool or else you’ll find jello in it” or some shit and my grandpa walks up to the kid and just straight up cold cocks him. his friend obv runs away

god if only you could still do that shit to mouthy kids

awesome. if only people still did that then all these emo/screwed up/lazy/mouthy idiot teenagers would have some morals and some work ethic so i don’t have to contribute to their check on the first of every month.

Voted, yes.

When I was 5-6 someone broke into my window at my parents home. We were thankfully at our cabin.

They stole all my mother’s jewelry and some electronics.

And I broke into that house when I got locked out.

lol any emos in wellsville?

are you kidding?? there are tons of them. if they aren’t out playing with farm animals they are walking around with girls jeans on and a belt covered in metal spikes