Look what came in the mail today!!

Airport is relatively cheap and has real grass, brighton is 8 bucks for a large, wherle has a lot of outdoor stalls, glen oak has a nice grass facility you can use…

Just run onto westwood’s range… lol you’re close enough

LOL wrong forum bro.

It can also be very frustrating at times. I can’t even tell you how many times I wanted to throw my clubs in a pond, but every once in awhile you hit a great shot and that’s what keeps me going.


Ha, yea i used to golf there back about 10 years ago. Which is also the last time i played golf period.

Airport is right near my work, so i will probably hit them up if they are decently priced

I see the Adidas/TM plant driving from Detroit to Buffalo up in Canada and there is a new attached outlet store open. I thought about stopping and checking it out, but I typically don’t have good luck at the border and don’t want to deal with the hassle.

<<< sucks at golf, but plays often for work
I enjoy it when people are having a good time, but some people take it way to serious.
I always rent clubs when I’m traveling. I got some hand me down sticks for the driving range and local stuff.

What did those run you? This is the first season I’ve played with much consistency so I’ve been thinking about picking up a set. I prefer to hit irons, my woods still have a tendancy to go hangout in the woods.

i’m actually golfing later today. my dad just rejoined OPCC after like 5 years taking a leave. i can still play under his membership as long as im in school. yayyyy

im so pumped

my goal is to shoot one 72 this year. that will make me happy

Have you tried using a 3 or 5 wood from the tee over a driver? Helps a lot of beginner golfers out. Just kep that elbow tucked in and you will be aight. I will be playing my first rounds of the season in about a month YARGH!!!

cost me about $300 shipped…Dicks website has them for $699

or just using a higher loft driver will cure this with a softer shaft.

Oh thats not bad at all. I think I’ll stop by the used golf store this afternoon :mamoru:

i think thats my long term goal, best round ever was 88 at grover :frowning:

got back about 2 hours ago. first time out in a LONGGGGG time. almost cracked 40. missed my 4ft eagle putt on 9 due to lack of sun. all in all, feel really good, and feels awesome to be able to play again :tup: looking forward to this year

picked up some serious distance too from getting myself in shape

F U When i was in high school i was abut a 8 handi and now i am happy with a round under 100 haha. Not really i just havent gotten out much the last few years. I played a few rounds while i was home on leave and my best was a 87 at Park :frowning:

when i was in HS i was a 6. and i was one of the worst on my team of like 8. (thats right, i was on the golf team). we had 11 guys go to ECICs (alternates too), when most schools have trouble sending one. i was the only guy who didn’t go to college for golf. i miss playing so much, im pretty happy i can again. makes me want to work harder to have the life these old rich guys have that can skip work for the links, then drink some beers at the club bar at the end of the day:lol:

my old golf buddies are a scratch and +2 handicap now. lol