Look what I got for Xmas at 3Am this Morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


I am so fuckin pissed right now. My wife gets me the new COD game for xmas which was an amazing game. I play it for a few hours and I get this shit. And to top it off, the error that I have which is E74 is not covered by the RROD warranty. This would have only been covered only the 1 year Warranty and my 360 is 16 months old. I thought these problems were fixed when the new gen 360s came out? I am fucking furious right now. I play ALOT and dont really have the money to get a new one at the moment because of xmas spending. I have seen a ton of threads and videos on this error on tech forums, and youtube. It seems their are a few easy fixes. Im going to try them. Seeing how Microsoft wants to charge me $100 to fix it. A new system is $199 why would i pay $100 to fix a problem that isnt even the RROD and then get it back and still be able to get the RROD and have to send it in again? I am so fucking mad right now. I bought my kids a Wii for xmas. I really dont like Wii though. Im going to lose my mind. Well time to take this thing apart and try these fixes ive seen for it!

serves you right… At 3am on Xmas you should have been sexin your wife up.

well technically it was this morning at 3AM, day after xmas, xmas eve i gave her the bone

lol. that sucks. I’ve heard from a few friends that the fixes found online really work

my new ps3 just stoped reading disks for some reason too…

buy a new one and swap out the broken one, and then return it.

if you cant fix it i believe online you can find ways to get your xbox to give u the right red ring of death. mine just passed a year and i havent gotten it. im just waiting for the day it happens. thankfully i have both xbox and ps3 so if one breaks i still have the other.

oh that sucks. another genius design by microsoft.

Won’t work. They compare serial #'s. Some places will even go to the extent to file charges.

yeahhhhhhhh, that’s not looking like such a good idea anymore :lol

seriously? my fuckin ps3 is less than a half a year old

doesn’t it come with a 1 year warranty? send that shit back.