360 Ring of Death

So my 360 shit the bed and I see the mircosoft extended their warranty. So I call to find out mine’s just up and it’ll cost my $100 to fix the damn thing. So I do the most logical thing and search the internet.


Repair kit $30 and it took me a little over a hour to fix it. I guess I could have saved myself some money by piecing this kit myself. If anyone is having problems with theirs PM me and I’ll let you borrow the tools or whatever.

vlads having this problem !!

Yeah mine just keeps going into an error screen upon start up on occasion.

Give it a minute, talk dirty to it, spank it and it turns on fine after.

I’ll stick to what works for now, until it gets worse.

I had the E74 error, i got all the parts to fix it off ebay for $7

I’ve fixed the red ring of death and the xbox played for 3-4 months then it came back. It usually is a heat related issue.


I did mine for the cost of 4 nuts and bolts/washers from home depot.

i bought a ps3 …i dont have that problem …lol

x2 silent

haha :rockon

:number1 me 3

Microsoft and there shitty gaming systems.

yup same here, 4 nuts, bolts, and thermal paste. Very cheap

I didn’t think $30 was too bad for the xbox tools, thermal paste, cleaning solvents, and everything else.

i just play the Wii and my DS. I keep hearing about 360’s dying left and right. are they REALLY that bad, guys? i dont really hear shit about PS3’s though. hmmmm, i might pick one of those up sometime later.

the 360 is the worst of the bunch, they have the most problems overheating and problems scratching CDs if you move them around with a CD in it.

I’ve had mine since day one and it’s perfectly fine…

We have the 360. Paul takes it to work with him… we’ve never had an issue from the start and we’ve had ours from day one…

:Idiots And why would you transport the 360 with someting IN it? is it really THAT hard to take it out? you do something stupid like that and you deserve to have to buy the game again!

Shut up you PS3 jerks! I’m jealous!!! I’m buying one for fathers day! shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :excited:excited:excited I’ve heard they can have some internal issues as well? anyone know? My brothers have gone through 3 PS3’s… all had some internal software isssues… idk… anyone know of any good deals on ps3’s?


The Nintendo DS sucks, can’t even do HD video, the Wii would be better if it was HD as well. The early 360’s are really the only ones with overheating issues. PS3’s are nice :slight_smile:

ps3 cod 5 - dieseldj

I had a DS. liked it for a little bit but got bored and traded it in LOL

The DS is kid friendly actually most of the games are FOR kids!!!.. and CHEAP now… you can get a used one for like 50 dollars… no other system besides the out dated ones are that cheap!

I agree with the Wii. If it was HD it would have been so much better… it’s TONS of fun though!