This is why I haven't been on XBL recently.

After having two 360’s have Error 74 and 73, then one of them being repaired wrongly, then repaired again.

Within two weeks.


Fuuuu x2

Beautiful isn’t it?

HAHAHAHAHAHH sucks for youuuuuuu.
srsly get them fixed asap. and i got my money back for that pos headset i bought, no questions asked!

good… maybe you wont be a dope and buy an xbox next time

Hmm. My Ps3 hasnt had a problem yet.

your ps3 is also not nearly as awesome

check…and MATE

This is why you get the 360 Elite.

And this isn’t a PS3 vs. X-Box thread. I don’t think the internet needs another one of those ignorant threads.


Wasnt trying to start that, sorry.

this, my xbox elite is mint. and its not the dumpy white color.


You don’t need an elite. You need a Xbox with the Jasper core. That’s all. The other errors can still happen on the boxes (bad DVD roms). The only way a new box will help is with the 3 rings of death.

me too, but Bxr6 Adam might have something to say about that…:rofl

IIRC E74 is the video error code…

Microsoft will fix it for free, ive done it with 2 xboxes ive gotten of craigslist…

Know how I avoided any issues with the xbox (even though it worked great)?

I sold it. Sitting and playing games is nothing but wasting the air I breath.

shut up hippie

Go sell your lawn mowers. :lol

I actually got one of the first ones with the bad core or w/e they finally decided caused all the issues and haven’t had a single issue with mine to this day. Other than no hdmi out of course.

I’d still consider it defective… It still works lol.
All the other ones failed, thus yours is defective.

they are really easy to fix.

Do what Adam did to his PS3

