What do Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd have in common?


Not to downplay that, but the very first F1 race in Melbourne, Australia drew over 400,000 people.



March 18, 2007 Australian Fromula One Grand PRix - Albert Park Cicrcuit, Melbourne, Australia race day attendance of 105,000 (Source: Sky News Australia)

April 2, 2006 Australian Fromula One Grand PRix - Albert Park Cicrcuit, Melbourne, Australia - four-day aggregate attendance of 301,800 –including a race day crowd of 103,000 (a drop from 2005) [/B]

BTW that is 250k seating capacity, not including the infield.


With 250,000 seats, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is the largest sports venue in the world. Annual attendance generally draws more than 400,000 spectators.