Looking for a new job

I’m tired of working for the state it fucking sucks. I used to work in a bodyshop and I regret quitting to work for the state. So anyone that knows of a bodyshop or anything looking for help lemme know!!!

FYI, the state has great benefits and if your smart you can jump up the “Grades”. Some people (I dont know why) aspire to work for the state. Where do you work? People are dieing for jobs right now and you want to leave something stable to work for a bodyshop? Why not just do it on the weekends.


I just called my best friend (owns his own shop on Essex St. in Albany) to see if he’d be interested and he said he’s looking to fire people, not hire lol.

What do you do for the state? Is being bored/pissed but having awesome benefits worth going back to body work?

Either way, good luck. Hope you find what you’re looking for.

I work for Office of General Services. I’ve been here three years. One problem i have is i dont have a college degree of anykind. Ive been trying to take tests and shit but for tests you need college credits. There are some tests here and there where you dont need to have any college experiance but they are few and far between. Here in OGS it is almost im possible to move up in “Grade”. Unlike Tax and Labor where they actually help you move up they want you to do better.

I’m with everyone else… I would stay with the State, the benefits are great. The short term for your current situation the pay might be better if you go back into the automotive field but look for the long-term of it. Maybe you should consider going back to school part-time to further your education and enhance your career options.

So why don’t you get a college degree???

Are you high?

Go to school, get credits, take tests, move up, and live a better life.

Maybe i should have explained my situation a little better. When I was hired i was hired to work in a warehouse I worked there for about 2 years loved every minute of it freedom not stuck in a fucking office with stuck up people who bitch because someone that sits next to them makes more money. I dont care about the money I make yes i dont need to pay bills and shit but whatever. I would rather work some place where I enjoy what I am doing rather than sit somewhere and be miserable. If being happy means i have to make a few sacrifices(benifits, time off) then so be it.

The problem with me going back to school in no way can I afford to go to school. I cant get help through the state because I am hourly, also because of my “job title”(laborer) what ever classes they pay for has to go along with your job title.

Yeah bro. I’m all for doing what you enjoy in life. My job pays well and I have a blast doing it, but if I had a chance to go to the state, I’d jump on it. Don’t leave the state, you never know if you’ll get back in.

Just start taking classes slowly one by one and build up the credits. HVCC has a very good night/online program.

They only cost like $400/class or something. Just save $50 from every paycheck for a class, etc.

Just be patient.

CC colleges are dirt cheap. Take one or two classes at a time during the evening.

you know i work for the state to bro, not matter what i wouldnt leave. you cant beat it. just tryn make the best off what your working with. i can understand it sucks most of the time,but its work and you got bene’s. just keep pluggn away.

when/if you quit… give 'em my name. i’d love an regular hour, regular paying job.

state job with pension and benefits > bodyshop monkey

Plus, in todays economy, be glad you HAVE a job.

If they ask for my job OR my 5% raise back. I’ll GLADLY give them 6%.

I want a state job. Wanna trade jobs?

Well I applied for three apprenticships while at work HA! Lets hope I hear something.

My father works for the state, and he loves every minute of it. He’s got MAD benefits only after being there for less than 3 years. Just keep working at getting a degree to better yourself.

State is the best.

My oldest brother is a Sr. Programmer/Analyst for the Comptrollers office. He disappeared for a month and half on a trip to Europe and got paid every minute of it. And still had vacation time to spare.

首先在选择婚庆公司的时候,北京婚纱摄影 您最好是货比三家,多看几家多比较一下,其中的门道您就能明白得差不多了,其次是要审查婚庆公司的资质,看公司的各方面手续是否齐全,比如工商和税务执照,北京婚纱摄影 看该公司的规模大小,经营范围和时间长短,以及服务人员的组成及素质;其次,通过朋友或者其他人的介绍了解该公司的服务情况,比较服务质量,在婚庆服务行业里,一个公司的口碑是最珍贵的。 最重要的是在您与婚庆公司签订协议的时候,要仔细观察各项内容,能详细说明的,千万不要碍于面子不详细说明,在你觉得完全没有问题时再签。北京婚庆公司因为等双方不愉快时,这是唯一能保护你利益的武器。目前,由上海市工商行政管理局联合上海婚庆行业协会共同制定的北京婚庆公司《上海市婚礼庆典服务合同示范文本》(2006版)已经正式对外发布,与婚庆礼仪公司自行制定使用的订单相比,合同内容更全面,标准更明确,合同中所规定的双方责任、权利、义务也更加细致。对婚礼服务中的各项问题,特别是以往最容易产生纠纷的几大事项,都以明确的标准进行限定,用该合同与婚庆礼仪服务公司签约,可以在一定程度上避免合同陷阱,杜绝霸王条约的生存空间,大家不妨拿来看看,以做参考。 国内比较知名的婚庆公司: 全国最大的一家是金玉良缘,金玉良缘师古创新,北京婚庆公司博采中外喜庆文化精髓,逐步发展为集喜庆文化研究与传播、传媒建设、喜庆用品开发及连锁经营于一体的大型企业集团。为了更好的传播喜庆文化、促进社会文明的进步,2005年,金玉良缘(香港)国际文化传播集团厚积薄发,推出了成熟的加盟运作方案,并将喜庆事业加盟总部设在备受孔孟礼仪文化熏陶的齐鲁大地中心城市–济南。