Looking for a new job


I’m in my second job in the IT Field.

I worked at vellano for 2 years, my hourly rate wasnt that bad but the fact that I was only working 15-20 hours a week sucked, but I enjoyed what I was doing.

Now IM working 40+ because I choose to because I like my boss, I like helping him out, I pretty much run the show and I love what I do.

I dont make as much as some of the other IT guys in here but thats becasue I enjoy doing Hands on bullshit while most of you other guys sit in your big chairs in the office with your administrative positions telling other D-bags what to do and playing with domains all day.

Someday maybe I would liek to do that, but right now I love what I do, and will continue to do it until I decide I’d like my own big comfy chair and little minions to go fix shit i dont want to

Not kocking on you guys at all BTW haha

I just enjoy doing residential/small buisness support, down to earth people, they think your god and they tip extremely well.