hi, im looking for a job too. would anyone like my resumé
no, sweet.
full time college student with MGIB paying the way FTW
hi, im looking for a job too. would anyone like my resumé
no, sweet.
full time college student with MGIB paying the way FTW
I can’t even begin to understand how it can be that bad working for your FAMILY. Instead of complaining about how much it sucks, think about the long-term of it. It is a family business you are in, you will some day be an OWNER. Learn the business, put up with the “shit” you think your father is putting you through and grow the fuck up.
You honestly think working some bull shit part-time job is going to get you somewhere?
It must be nice being a spoiled little fuck.
I am LOLing so hard right now rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl
Actually I do work for my dad and Uncle, I’m just not a whiny bitch about it
If your looking for a part time job, I would suggest looking for a little gig that might not pay you shit tons, or give you good bennys or what ever… but find that little gig in the field your hopefully going to school for. Like Ilya said, get your foot in the door. Also while your working there, it doesnt much matter if you only do 5 hrs a week there for the next 2,4,6 years your in school. Come graduation time, you already racked up years of experience and will have something to put on a resume, which will be more than the slacker that isnt doing this that graduated with you hunting for the same damn jobs.
Thats why lots of young people who graduate school, dont work in their fields and say, ohhhhhh the market just sucks, or ohhhhhhh I paid $60K for a degree and its worthless. Thats because your a meat head and think just having a piece of paper will land you a job.
this will prolly be the best piece of advice in thie thread.
I’m in my second job in the IT Field.
I worked at vellano for 2 years, my hourly rate wasnt that bad but the fact that I was only working 15-20 hours a week sucked, but I enjoyed what I was doing.
Now IM working 40+ because I choose to because I like my boss, I like helping him out, I pretty much run the show and I love what I do.
I dont make as much as some of the other IT guys in here but thats becasue I enjoy doing Hands on bullshit while most of you other guys sit in your big chairs in the office with your administrative positions telling other D-bags what to do and playing with domains all day.
Someday maybe I would liek to do that, but right now I love what I do, and will continue to do it until I decide I’d like my own big comfy chair and little minions to go fix shit i dont want to
Not kocking on you guys at all BTW haha
I just enjoy doing residential/small buisness support, down to earth people, they think your god and they tip extremely well.
Key word being BITCH
this thread is awesome. if someone doesn’t give me a job right now, i’m going to call you names on the internet.
It just makes my fucking blood boil that the kid doesnt wanna fucking work but wants shit handed to him on a silver platter.
I work in IT and I fucking hate it. Run.
Sounds to me like he’s just looking for a part time job, nothing more, nothing less.
part time job with not alot of hours yet still wants to make over 200 a week? Good fucking luck.
$200 a week? Fuck… go get a job waiting tables. That’s dumb easy for coin. Bartend, F bitches get money, that’s what I’d do.
Best advice in this thread, KKustoms comes in second, than runnerup is the guy that said drive off a cliff.
i know its funny i feel like half these older guys have no life are on a local fourm dont drive there cars and just love to talk shit. All i was looking for was a part time job I said im not ready to work with my dad so if someone asked where i work now thats why.