Looking for Another Moderator

I am looking to make some changes to the board, and since boMex has
resigned, his position needs to be filled.

This time around the admin staff will be picking the moderator, rather than
by election.

We are looking for someone who can follow and enforce these rules:

The duties of a moderator are:

  • Enforce these rules
  • Set an example in posting
  • Move/Delete posts
  • Help organize events
  • Provide a positive contribution to the club

Also note:

  • Abuse of moderator priveledges will not be tolerated
  • We need someone who has the time to take on the task

If you would like to volunteer to be a moderator please simply post here.
This thread is not an election, for nominations, or an OT thread. Post here
only if you would like to be a mod, and you will be considered for the

Thank You.

Excellent idea Andy. I know I havent been around long. You know my experience. I’m Down! 8)

id be interested…


Son needs to change, i’d be willing to help with that.

… at least get a different style of mod around.

keep me in mind when you choose,

but i think greg would be great!

I’d be interested as well …

check my last x posts … I do my best to help out around here.

Thanks for the interest and keeping it on-topic guys…

Anyone else interested?

I figure I should leave this up for a couple days so we can get all of those
interested in order to consider everyone.

im interested

I am also interested.

I wouldn’t mind.

im up for it.

As of now Sven (Chris) and Shift_Krunk (Brandon) have been added to
the mods list for trial… if they do a good job, they stay, if not we may
call on you again.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered. After reviewing the criteria for
our decision as posted here and looking over the post history of everyone
Bing, Gautam and myself decided to make these two mods.

Hopefully our new mods can do a good job at the task, and bring some
fresh ideas on how to operate the club.

We are still looking for one more, so keep on truckin’ err… I mean postin’

Thanks guys.

Congrats guys, but why two new mods?

congrats guys

Thanks Adam and Mercedeh http://forums.son240sx.ca/images/smiles/eusa_dance.gif

Because bob and mike are both gone.


Just kidding I’ll try to keep the power in check :wink:
Thanks for the faith guys.

aww dammit, this is what i get for working too many hours in one day…i miss out on becomming a mod! :cry: …and where did my whitby buddy bob go???

We gave it 24 hrs, if you weren’t on the board within 24 hours then you were ruled out automatically… we need mods who are on alot so they
can do their job :?

As opposed to say, good mods.