Looking for some good fishing spots !!!

hey skierdood what were you using in esperance?

I’ve found from noon till about 5 or 6pm Ive had decent luck with plastic worms (anything from 2"-5" seems to do the trick), then when the sun starts to get a little low I switch it up to top water hula poppers which basically mimic a lost frog out in the middle of the water and just slowly pop it across the top of the water. Enough so that it creates a little disturbance so the fish notice it but not enough to actually splash the water. The bass tend to be a little skiddish and dont like it when you make too much noise with the popper but if you can find that happy medium they go buck wild for them. I like to wait a few seconds before each jerking motion because the bass tend to strike it when its stationary. Also it makes for an exciting catch because the fish has to come to the surface to hit it, so you see some pretty spectacular strikes. I also usually catch the biggest bass on them as well.

Lemme know if you ever wanna meet up and fish there. There’s definitely a few key spots to throw the line in within that spot.

duane lake is pretty good, a lot of people take big bass out of there. theres also vly pond in middleburgh which is pretty decent, crappies and pickerel ect. people usually use a canoe down there.

Yea I’m kinda stuck to shore fishing as I don’t have a boat… Skierdood go ahead and pm me your number and I will get in touch with you!

Right across from natco / texeco/ pseg with live herring always works :slight_smile:

Round lake has some big bass, during ice fishing a couple years ago I we were pullling up 20"+ large mouth.

caught this bad boy at the Henry Hudson on 144 or whatever it is lol

YESSS!!! you ever go swimming up burtonsville? the cliff and ropeswing is the tits!

EDIT: never mind about the rope swing, i forgot some fat lard broke the tree when we were there last year

you caught it, or dave caught it. :lol <3

NO. Guilderland took my fish lic last year. F that.

but ill still go there to swim :lol

im pretty sure the rope swing is still up, i went down there late last summer and it was. its a fun place to go cliff jumping if your one of those fags :lol

I caught it thank you very much lol…i catch more then him everytime…but ssshhh dont tell him, its a sensitive subject…the only thing he has caught is me…aaawww lol

Code blue and I went fishing today with some success, I caught a nice walleye and a good sized bass and he landed a nice bass as well. I’ve got the walleye on Ice right now it will be in my belly tomorrow.

whered you guys go? i was gonna go this morning but couldnt decide upon a good spot

dude, I try to go fishing once a week. I have been doing it since im 5. You could say im obsessed lol

I keep my pole and tackle in my car just incase when im driving I see a spot I want to try out. I know a few good places locally so if you ever want to go, hit me up.

sacandoga sucks off the shore unless your fishing for carp with canned corn…but you hafto tie up your pole and wait hours but when you get on, its a 30 min fight.

sacandoga is good on a boat if you can get out to the 9th pillar on the bridge (theirs a hook we screwed into it to tie up to it, its the old river bank and we nailed walleye and rainbows everytime we went there)

or you troll up and down the old river bed and go out into the big part of the lake.

thats where I live and your not kidding. I have been fishing there for years, however you need a boat to really hit them. I know that lake like the back of my hand.

I caught a 25" bass one year, was 8lb’s. I had it in the freezer and when I took it out to get it mounted, it had freezer burn and was beginning to rot! I was SOOO pissed.

not sure if you remember but it was in the paper a few years ago. A local private small plane owner lives on the other side of round lake and always flys his little planes over the lake real low, well a few years ago he saw this big white thing floating in the water…so he turned around and landed on the water (he has those water landing planes) and it was a 13lb dead bass. They believed he died just from old age. There was a huge article on it in the paper.

also, round lake holds the record for tiger muskies…try catching one of those fuckers. I have yet to catch a big one out of there but my taxidermist who mounted my 41" lake trout has a 50" tiger muskie he cought out of round lake one year on a white spinner bait…and he was in a canoe and he said the fish pulled him around the lake twice before he just ended up floating belly up from exhaustion…

they stock it every year with muskies too.

my uncle is a pro bass fisherman and he said round lake has some of the biggest fish in NY state…its just slow fishing but when you get a fish, its big.

ballston lake has some nasty bass as well.

Schoharie Creek just upstream from the bridge into esperance.

drew im coming fishing with u this summer!

let me know next time you guys go, im literally 4 minutes from there.